

La Morinière, Amayé-Sur-Seulles 14310
Delivery: National
Founded: 2020
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33 Product and services

Ghost Og V1 Ind Cbd Flowers IndoorNext
Ghost Og V1 Ind Cbd Flowers Indoor
8,80 €
Born from the combination of a female OG Kush pollinated by Joe's OG Kush. It is considered a predominantly indica hybrid (70/30). The original Ghost ...
Cheese Gh Fleurs Cbd GreenhouseNext
Cheese Gh Fleurs Cbd Greenhouse
5,40 €
An essential strain, in the late 1980s, a grower from the Southeast of England noticed something special about one of his Skunk#1 plants. Unlike the o...
Full Spectrum CBD Oil 20%
Full Spectrum CBD Oil 20%
The Full Spectrum CBD Oil 20% allows you to benefit from premium ingredients for intense effects. This oil, derived from organic farming, delivers ex...
Amnesia Gh French CBD Flowers
Amnesia Gh French CBD Flowers
3,80 €
Manufactured in 1970 in California, Amnesia is one of the most well-known and oldest varieties. This hybrid of AMNESIA CBD GH is one of our best CBD f...
Og Kush Gh French CBD Flowers
Og Kush Gh French CBD Flowers
3,80 €
One of the most notable strains in recent decades, originating from North America. The OG Kush reflects the best of Californian cannabis. Primarily In...
Full Spectrum CBD Oil 10%
Full Spectrum CBD Oil 10%
The Full Spectrum CBD Oil 10% allows you to benefit from premium ingredients for intense effects. This oil, derived from organic farming, delivers exc...
Trim Mix CBD Flowers Outdoor
Trim Mix CBD Flowers Outdoor
0,87 €
Our CBD TRIM MIX, like each of our varieties, is sourced from organic farming, guaranteed pesticide-free. Boveda Humidipack is included with the flowe...
Limoncello Out French CBD Flowers
Limoncello Out French CBD Flowers
3,25 €
Limoncello is a Sativa-dominant strain estimated at 80/20, with the only known parent being Lemon Ice. Nevertheless, this strain is a true success. W...
Hemp Massage Oil No. 1 for Pain & Tension
Hemp Massage Oil No. 1 for Pain & Tension
Discover OGreenLab's hemp massage oil for pain and tension, your natural ally against muscle aches. Skillfully combining the benefits of CBD and CBG h...
Serenity CBG GH French CBD Flowers
Serenity CBG GH French CBD Flowers
3,80 €
The Serenity CBG Greenhouse originates from Oregon (USA). It produces robust and relatively large plants. Its flowers are voluminous, very light, and...
Green Punch with CBD
Green Punch with CBD
CBD-infused rum with ginger is a unique alcoholic beverage that combines the spicy flavor of ginger with the benefits of CBD. To prepare this drink, h...
Harlequin Out Fleurs CBD Outdoor
Harlequin Out Fleurs CBD Outdoor
3,25 €
Harlequin is a sativa-dominant strain (75/25) known for its high CBD content. Descended from Colombian Gold, a Thai strain, and a Swiss variety. It ...
Berry Kush Out CBD Flowers OutdoorNext
Berry Kush Out CBD Flowers Outdoor
3,36 €
Berry Kush is a variety that is 60% indica and 40% sativa. Its lineage remains a mystery. Its pistils are predominantly orange but can have red hues.
Trim Mix Plus CBD Flowers Outdoor
Trim Mix Plus CBD Flowers Outdoor
1,75 €
Our TRIM MIX CBD, like each of our varieties, is sourced from organic farming, guaranteed pesticide-free. Boveda Humidipack is included with the flowe...
Cannatonic Out French CBD Flowers
Cannatonic Out French CBD Flowers
3,25 €
The genetics of this strain are unclear, a 50/50 hybrid; some say it is the result of a cross between Reina Madre and NYX Diesel, while others claim i...

Location and contact

AddressLa Morinière, FR-14310 Amayé-Sur-Seulles

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