

Im Gewerbepark 11, Eggenfelden 84307
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 2012
Employees: 50-99
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46 Product and services

Offgridtec mPremium+ XXL 400W 12V Victron SmartSolar 100/30Next
Offgridtec mPremium+ XXL 400W 12V Victron SmartSolar 100/30
Offgridtec mPremium+ XXL 400W 12V with Victron SmartSolar MPPT100/30 Solar System - The Offgridtec mPremium+ series is a premium solar set for caravan...
Offgridtec PWM Pro Charge Controller 12V/24V 30A USBNext
Offgridtec PWM Pro Charge Controller 12V/24V 30A USB
The Offgridtec PWM 12/24-30 (MPN 1-01-010920) is a microprocessor-controlled solar charge controller with a maximum charging capacity of 30A, capable ...
Offgridtec PWM Pro Charge Controller 12V/24V 20A USBNext
Offgridtec PWM Pro Charge Controller 12V/24V 20A USB
The Offgridtec PWM 12/24-20 (MPN 1-01-010915) is a microprocessor-controlled solar charge controller with a maximum charging capacity of 20A, capable ...
Offgridtec MobileBlack XL 360W Solar System + Charge ControllerNext
Offgridtec MobileBlack XL 360W Solar System + Charge Controller
Offgridtec® MobileBlack XL 360W Motorhome Solar System 30A MPPT DUO Charge Controller - The Offgridtec® MobileBlack series impresses with its appealin...
Offgridtec 200Ah C10 GEL Battery 12V - Offgridtec® 200Ah C10 GEL Battery 12VNext
Offgridtec 200Ah C10 GEL Battery 12V - Offgridtec® 200Ah C10 GEL Battery 12V
The Offgridtec 200Ah 12V Gel Battery is designed for the highest demands in durability and stability. With reliable continuous power output, it ensure...
Offgridtec LiFePo4 Smart-Pro 12/50 Battery 12.8V 640WhNext
Offgridtec LiFePo4 Smart-Pro 12/50 Battery 12.8V 640Wh
The LiFePO4 12/50 Smart Pro from Offgridtec (MPN 2-01-010865) is a state-of-the-art, 12.8 V 50 Ah lithium iron phosphate battery with Bluetooth commun...
Offgridtec LiFePo4 Smart-Pro 12/200 Battery 12.8V 2560WhNext
Offgridtec LiFePo4 Smart-Pro 12/200 Battery 12.8V 2560Wh
The LiFePO4 12/200 Smart Pro from Offgridtec (MPN 2-01-010875) is an intelligent, 12.8 V 200 Ah lithium iron phosphate battery of the latest generatio...
Offgridtec® Solar-Direct 830W HM-600 Solar SystemNext
Offgridtec® Solar-Direct 830W HM-600 Solar System
Offgridtec® Solar-Direct 830W HM-600 Balcony Power Plant Solar System for Home Grid Feed-In - The Offgridtec balcony power plant is a compact solar sy...
Offgridtec 100Ah C10 GEL Battery 12V - Offgridtec® 100Ah C10 GEL Battery 12VNext
Offgridtec 100Ah C10 GEL Battery 12V - Offgridtec® 100Ah C10 GEL Battery 12V
The Offgridtec 100Ah 12V Gel Battery is designed for the highest energy demands. With reliable continuous power output, it ensures the operation of al...
Offgridtec MobileBlack L 155W Solar System + Charge ControllerNext
Offgridtec MobileBlack L 155W Solar System + Charge Controller
Offgridtec® MobileBlack L 155W Motorhome Solar System 30A MPPT DUO Charge Controller - This complete system includes everything you need to charge you...
Offgridtec AGM 101Ah 20HR 12V - Solar Battery - Offgridtec® AGM 101Ah 20HR 12V - Solar BatteryNext
Offgridtec AGM 101Ah 20HR 12V - Solar Battery - Offgridtec® AGM 101Ah 20HR 12V - Solar Battery
Offgridtec AGM solar batteries are specifically designed for use in solar and hybrid systems. AGM technology significantly outperforms traditional lea...
Offgridtec AGM 122Ah 20HR 12V - Solar Battery - Offgridtec® AGM 122Ah 20HR 12V - Solar BatteryNext
Offgridtec AGM 122Ah 20HR 12V - Solar Battery - Offgridtec® AGM 122Ah 20HR 12V - Solar Battery
Offgridtec AGM solar batteries are specifically designed for use in solar and hybrid systems. AGM technology significantly outperforms traditional lea...
Offgridtec 50Ah C10 GEL Battery 12V - Offgridtec® 50Ah C10 GEL Battery 12VNext
Offgridtec 50Ah C10 GEL Battery 12V - Offgridtec® 50Ah C10 GEL Battery 12V
The Offgridtec Gel Battery is designed for the highest energy demands. With reliable continuous power output, it ensures the operation of all electric...
Offgridtec PWM Pro Charge Controller 12V/24V 45A USBNext
Offgridtec PWM Pro Charge Controller 12V/24V 45A USB
The Offgridtec PWM 12/24-45 (MPN 1-01-010925) is a microprocessor-controlled solar charge controller with a maximum charging power and can charge both...
Offgridtec AGM 12Ah 20HR 12V - Solar Battery - Offgridtec® AGM 12Ah 20HR 12V - Solar Battery
Offgridtec AGM 12Ah 20HR 12V - Solar Battery - Offgridtec® AGM 12Ah 20HR 12V - Solar Battery
Offgridtec AGM solar batteries are specifically designed for use in solar and hybrid systems. AGM technology significantly outperforms traditional lea...

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AddressIm Gewerbepark 11, DE-84307 Eggenfelden

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