

Ohmstrasse 3, Eching 85386
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2015
Employees: 200-499
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58 Product and services

Applicator LA-BO - Applicator for Labeling Machine / Contactless / Gentle / Blow-on
Applicator LA-BO - Applicator for Labeling Machine / Contactless / Gentle / Blow-on
LA-BO – gentle Blow-On applicator for the printing & labeling solutions of the ALX series and the labeling systems of the ALS series (ALS 20x, ALS 256...
ALS 306/309 Labeling Machines - Labeling Machines / Labeling Systems / High PerformanceNext
ALS 306/309 Labeling Machines - Labeling Machines / Labeling Systems / High Performance
Modular labeling systems ALS 30x, specially developed for the most challenging labeling environments and conditions. These systems are designed for du...
LA-SO Applicator - applicator for automatic labeling machine / swing-on / Complete solutionNext
LA-SO Applicator - applicator for automatic labeling machine / swing-on / Complete solution
LA-SO – Versatile and Rotating Applicator for Your Printing Solutions from the ALX Range (ALX 92x): • Application of labels on all types of products,...
LA-BO Applicator - applicator for automatic labeler / blow-on / sensitive products
LA-BO Applicator - applicator for automatic labeler / blow-on / sensitive products
LA-BO – Contactless Applicators for your ALX Series Printing Solutions and ALS Series Labeling Systems (ALS 20x, ALS 256, ALS 306, ALX 92x, and ALX 73...
Applicator LA-TO Blow - Touch-on Applicator with Inflating Function LA-TO Blow
Applicator LA-TO Blow - Touch-on Applicator with Inflating Function LA-TO Blow
Touch-on Applicator with Blowing Function LA-TO Blow (for ALX 92x, ALX 73x, ALS 20x, ALS 256, ALS 272, ALS 306): • Suitable for labeling sensitive pr...
Applicator LA-TO Flex - Touch-on applicator with sensor LA-TO Flex
Applicator LA-TO Flex - Touch-on applicator with sensor LA-TO Flex
Touch-on applicator with sensor LA-TO Flex (for ALX 92x, ALX 73x, ALS 20x, ALS 256, ALS 272, ALS 306): • Ideal for labeling products with variable ...
LTSI/LTSA Applicator - applicator for automatic labeling machine / corner edge / Complete solution
LTSI/LTSA Applicator - applicator for automatic labeling machine / corner edge / Complete solution
LTSI/LTSA – Versatile and Rotating Applicator for Your Solutions Label Types: self-adhesive, paper, laminated Label Width: 30–80 mm Label Length: 30–...
Labeler ALS 306/309 - Labeler / Labeling System / High performance / industrial / labeling seriesNext
Labeler ALS 306/309 - Labeler / Labeling System / High performance / industrial / labeling series
Modular labeling system ALS 30x, especially developed for the most extreme labeling conditions and environments. Built to perform and support continuo...
Applicator LA-TO Flex - Touch-on Applicator with Pressure Sensor LA-TO Flex
Applicator LA-TO Flex - Touch-on Applicator with Pressure Sensor LA-TO Flex
Touch-on Applicator with Pressure Sensor LA-TO Flex (for ALX 92x, ALX 73x, ALS 20x, ALS 256, ALS 272, ALS 306): • Ideally suited for labeling product...
Label Printer XLP 50x Series - Thermal Transfer Printer / Barcode Labels / RFID Labels / Label PrinterNext
Label Printer XLP 50x Series - Thermal Transfer Printer / Barcode Labels / RFID Labels / Label Printer
The XLP 50x label printer series is the perfect solution for applications with medium print volumes, available in 4 and 6 inch print widths. Using the...
LA-CE Applicator - applicator for automatic labeling machine / corner edge / Complete solution
LA-CE Applicator - applicator for automatic labeling machine / corner edge / Complete solution
LA-CE – Versatile and Rotating Applicator for Your ALX Range Printing Solutions (ALX 92x) Label Types: self-adhesive, paper, laminated Label Width: 8...
Applicator LA-BO - applicator for automatic labeler / blow-on / non-contact / sensitive products
Applicator LA-BO - applicator for automatic labeler / blow-on / non-contact / sensitive products
LA-BO - gentile Blow-On Applicator for ALX Print and Apply & ALS Labeling Solutions (ALS 20x, ALS 256, ALS 306, ALX 73x and ALX 92x): • Non-contact...
LA-TO Applicator - applicator for automatic labeler / Touch-On / economicalNext
LA-TO Applicator - applicator for automatic labeler / Touch-On / economical
LA-TO - Cost-effective contact applicators for your ALX Series Printing Solutions and ALS Series Labeling Systems (ALS 20x, ALS 256, ALS 306, ALX 92x,...
Applicator LTSI/LTSA - Light touch applicator LTSI/LTSA
Applicator LTSI/LTSA - Light touch applicator LTSI/LTSA
Light touch applicator LTSI/LTSA (for 64-xx dispenser, XLP 504 dispenser): • Application of labels on sensitive products without the need of compre...
Applicator LA-CE Wipe - Corner-edge applicator with wipe on function LA-CE Wipe
Applicator LA-CE Wipe - Corner-edge applicator with wipe on function LA-CE Wipe
Corner-edge applicator with wipe on function LA-CE Wipe (for all ALS and ALX with direct application of labels): • Pneumatic applicator folds label...

Location and contact

AddressOhmstrasse 3, DE-85386 Eching

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