Camino quintanar s/n villalgordo del jucar, Albacete 02636
Employees: 200-499
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About us
Neofungi is a Spanish cooperative located in the province of Albacete (SPAIN). We are the largest company in Spain associated with Champinter and Mercajucar. Our specialty is the cultivation and production of fresh mushrooms and oyster mushrooms. Such as: - PARIS MUSHROOMS (WHOLE, CUT, AND SLICED) - PINK MUSHROOMS (NORMAL AND GIANT) - OYSTER MUSHROOMS (WHOLE AND SLICED) - SHIITAKE - ERYNGII We also produce canned and semi-canned (pasteurized) products to meet the needs of our clients.
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Location and contact

AddressCamino quintanar s/n villalgordo del jucar, ES-02636 Albacete

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