

Schönaich 9, Oberschwarzach 97516
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 2001
Employees: 5-9
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About us
Phytolize Marine Phytoplankton - available in our shop at the best price in premium quality as flakes, capsules, and powder. With its diverse, unique nutrient profile and high omega-3 (EPA) fatty acid content, the superfood microalgae Marine Phytoplankton is the perfect dietary supplement for everyone, especially for athletes and those following a vegan lifestyle. Marine Phytoplankton is THE vegan alternative to fish oil/krill oil.

1 Product or service

Microalgae Marine Phytoplankton - Flakes, Powder, Capsules
Microalgae Marine Phytoplankton - Flakes, Powder, Capsules
Nutritional Supplements and Superfood - vegan - rich in Omega-3 - full of nutrients -...

Location and contact

AddressSchönaich 9, DE-97516 Oberschwarzach

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