

Tepeören Mah No 7 1 Tuzla, Istanbul 34595
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2015
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About us

12 Product and services

Quality System and Assurance
Quality System and Assurance
Our quality department serves with an independent quality assurance unit and chemical, physical control, microbiology and production control laborator...
We carry out the licensing process for food supplements and cosmetic products.
Graphics Department
Graphics Department
All design and printing services, which are critical for the Registrar's Department of food supplements and Dermo cosmetics, are in safe hands. Graph...
Contract Cream Production and Filling
Contract Cream Production and Filling
Contract cream production can be preferred by different cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies. Contract manufacturing generally means helping other co...
Import & Export
Import & Export
As Natrolabs, we set out in 2015 to close the gap in the market and to contribute to our country and people. We export mainly to Iraq, Libya, Switzerl...
Contract Cosmetic Production and FillingNext
Contract Cosmetic Production and Filling
face care creams Face wash gels and foams body care creams skin care serums Skin care masks and peeling products skin care tonics Hair care prod...
R&D FormulationNext
R&D Formulation
A full service is provided within the scope of new product development and product improvement activities in our R&D and P&D laboratory for all produc...
Contract Vitamin Production and Filling
Contract Vitamin Production and Filling
Contract Vitamin Production and Filling...
Contract Capsule Production and Filling
Contract Capsule Production and Filling
Companies using this type of production can improve themselves in the marketing sector. Because instead of wasting time dealing with small parts in pr...
Contract Tablet Production and Filling
Contract Tablet Production and Filling
For this reason, contract tablet production is frequently used by companies that produce food and medicine. In addition to production, filling and pac...
Laboratory Studies
Laboratory Studies
Raw materials arriving at our warehouse come to the quality control laboratory in accordance with the sampling procedure, and if the analysis results ...
Brand Building
Brand Building
You may wish to have a special food supplement, sports food or cosmetic product in your dreams. We evaluate these requests with our expert staff and p...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

AddressTepeören Mah No 7 1 Tuzla, TR-34595 Istanbul

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