

Gaußring 3, Heilbad Heiligenstadt 37308
Founded: 1990
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10 Product and services

KPK 120 U Series Climate Cabinets
KPK 120 U Series Climate Cabinets
The KPK U series climate test cabinets are used for testing under constant climatic conditions.
Frost-Thaw Cycle Testing Chamber FTT 120
Frost-Thaw Cycle Testing Chamber FTT 120
The Frost-Thaw Cycle Testing Chamber FTT 120 is used for conducting frost-thaw cycle tests.
Biological Climate Chamber WB 750
Biological Climate Chamber WB 750
The Biological Climate Chamber WB 750 is used for the cultivation of plant cultures.
Incubator Klimatronik KT180
Incubator Klimatronik KT180
The incubator Klimatronik KT180 allows for the processing of cytogenetic preparations under precise and reproducible climatic conditions combined with...
KPK 35 Series Climate Cabinets
KPK 35 Series Climate Cabinets
The climate testing cabinets of the KPK series are used for examinations under constant climatic conditions.
Heat Cabinets / Incubators Series WB 120
Heat Cabinets / Incubators Series WB 120
In the entire field of medical and biotechnological laboratory work, the WB series incubators are a useful tool.
KPK 300 U Series Climate Cabinets
KPK 300 U Series Climate Cabinets
The KPK 300 U series climate test chambers are used for testing under constant or varying climatic conditions.
Heat Cabinets / Incubators Series WB 22
Heat Cabinets / Incubators Series WB 22
In the entire field of medical and biotechnological laboratory work, the WB series incubators are a useful tool.
Crystal Growth Cabinets Series WBK 200
Crystal Growth Cabinets Series WBK 200
The WBK series crystal growth cabinets are designed for growing protein crystals under low-vibration and isothermal conditions.
CO2 Incubator 160
CO2 Incubator 160
The CO2 incubator 160 / 160K provides the "in vitro" growing cell and tissue cultures with environmental conditions that closely resemble the physiolo...

Location and contact

AddressGaußring 3, DE-37308 Heilbad Heiligenstadt
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