

Weinleite 1, Ansbach 91522
Founded: 1987
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9 Product and services

Distance Disc
Distance Disc
Spacer disc to increase the clamping range of the Nova Grip clamping plates Material ST235, galvanically galvanized, approved by DiBt for dynamic loa...
Tensioning Clamp
Tensioning Clamp
The ideal tool for clamping C-profiles to profile beams. Our clamps of the type Spannpratzen are made of steel and are galvanically galvanized. The i...
Nova Grip Clamping Plate Connection Technology
Nova Grip Clamping Plate Connection Technology
Clamping plates dynamically approved for connecting steel profiles. With 8.8-grade or HV-grade fasteners, Nova Grip clamping connections are considere...
Nova Grip Clamping Plate
Nova Grip Clamping Plate
Clamping plates dynamically approved for connecting steel profiles. With 8.8-grade or HV-grade fasteners, Nova Grip clamping connections are considere...
Nova Grip Clamping Plate
Nova Grip Clamping Plate
Clamping plates dynamically approved for connecting steel profiles. With 8.8-grade or HV-grade fasteners, Nova Grip clamping connections are considere...
Nova Grip Clamping Plate
Nova Grip Clamping Plate
Clamping plates dynamically approved for connecting steel profiles. With 8.8-grade or HV-grade fasteners, Nova Grip clamping connections are considere...
Nova Grip Clamping Plate
Nova Grip Clamping Plate
Dynamic approved clamping plates for connecting steel profiles. With 8.8-grade or HV-grade fasteners, Nova Grip clamping connections are considered MA...
Nova Grip Clamping Plate
Nova Grip Clamping Plate
Clamping plates dynamically approved for connecting steel profiles. With 8.8-grade or HV-grade fasteners, Nova Grip clamping connections are considere...
Distance Disc
Distance Disc
Spacer disc to increase the clamping range of the Nova Grip clamping plates Material ST235, galvanically galvanized, approved by DiBt for dynamic loa...

Location and contact

AddressWeinleite 1, DE-91522 Ansbach
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