San liborio, 125, Ibi 80134
Employees: 20-49
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About us
Production of Fior di Latte mozzarella cut Napoli, cubed, grated, made only from milk, rennet, salt, and lactic ferments, no preservatives, no thickeners

3 Product and services

Roman pinsa base - Room temperature base
Roman pinsa base - Room temperature base
If you don't have space in the fridge... no problem!! We are the only company that produces and sells Pinsa Romana at room temperature with a shelf li...
Base pizza style pinsa - Room temperature
Base pizza style pinsa - Room temperature
Little space in the fridge? ...No worries! We are the only company on the market that sells and produces artisanal pizza and pinsa bases with a shelf ...
Fresh Swordfish - swordfish
Fresh Swordfish - swordfish
Fresh Swordfish from the Tyrrhenian Sea, in steaks...

Location and contact

AddressSan liborio, 125, IT-80134 Ibi

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