Fischersand 52, Erfurt 99084
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5 Product and services

UMX Whipit DLG by E-flite
UMX Whipit DLG by E-flite
The E-flite UMX Whipit is a DLG glider that represents a real breakthrough in model building.
PHOENIX RC Flight Simulator 5.0 by Spektrum
PHOENIX RC Flight Simulator 5.0 by Spektrum
In the new version of the Phoenix flight simulator, the developers have focused on improving the wing physics.
RR+ Panda
RR+ Panda
Ready-built entry-level electric glider.
BK EasyGlider PRO Multiplex 214226
BK EasyGlider PRO Multiplex 214226
EasyGlider PRO ... consistently further developed for brushless direct drive...
Planemaster Flight Simulator Mode 2 Transmitter/USB Connection LRP RCSIM41
Planemaster Flight Simulator Mode 2 Transmitter/USB Connection LRP RCSIM41
With LRP's flight simulators, you can improve your flying skills regardless of whether it's raining or windy outside. Save yourself countless crashes ...

Location and contact

AddressFischersand 52, DE-99084 Erfurt
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