Karl-Bunje-Strasse 36, Oldenburg 26129
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4 Product and services

CitriSurf 2310 Gel
CitriSurf 2310 Gel
Stainless Steel - Rust Removal & Passivation with Gel: CitriSurf®2310 CitriSurf®2310 is a high-quality product for cost-effective and efficient clean...
CitriSurf 2250
CitriSurf 2250
CitriSurf®2250 is a high-quality product for cost-effective and efficient cleaning and passivation of stainless steels. It removes free iron particles...
CitriSurf 3050
CitriSurf 3050
CitriSurf®3050 is a high-quality product for cost-effective and efficient cleaning and passivation of all stainless steels. Passivating stainless ste...
CitriSurf 77plus
CitriSurf 77plus
Stainless Steel - Surface Rust Removal & Passivation: CitriSurf®77plus CitriSurf®77plus is a high-quality product for cost-effective and efficient cl...

Location and contact

AddressKarl-Bunje-Strasse 36, DE-26129 Oldenburg
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