

6 route de compiègne, Verberie 60410
Employees: 5-9
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4 Product and services

sous vide machine - chamber sous vide machine chr
sous vide machine - chamber sous vide machine chr
Very simple to use and adjust. Double sealing. Robust construction of a simple bell table model. Stainless steel chassis; transparent cover. Digital c...
Eco-friendly Products - Biodegradable, compostable, recyclable (WECK JARS, COMPOSTABLE BAGS, RECYCLABLE)
Eco-friendly Products - Biodegradable, compostable, recyclable (WECK JARS, COMPOSTABLE BAGS, RECYCLABLE)
Biodegradable, compostable, recyclable (WECK POTS, COMPOSTABLE BAGS, RECYCLABLE)...
vacuum bags and pouches
vacuum bags and pouches
Vacuum bags intended for food contact for bell machines. Completely airtight and impermeable to water, oxygen, and microorganisms. Bags suitable for ...
MSV OPLA - external suction machine
MSV OPLA - external suction machine
(external suction machine working with embossed bags and vacuum containers and accessories for your vacuum machine)...

Location and contact

Address6 route de compiègne, FR-60410 Verberie

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