

Volgogradsky prospect, 42/5, Moscow 109316
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2000
Employees: 50-99
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7 Product and services

Volokushi" evacuation sledge - Designed for the evacuation of injured unable to move independentlyNext
Volokushi" evacuation sledge - Designed for the evacuation of injured unable to move independently
"Volokushi" evacuation sledge is an easy-to-use small-sized means for safe and fast evacuation. Suitable only for horizontal evacuation. Sledge made o...
Pelvic stabilization belt - Designed for immobilization and stabilization of pelvic bones Next
Pelvic stabilization belt - Designed for immobilization and stabilization of pelvic bones
Advantages: - Compact, durable, easy-to-use. - X-ray transparent. The pelvic stabilization belt is a structure consisting of a base, a belt and a...
Syringe pump - Designed for long-term infusion of medicines to the patient at a given rateNext
Syringe pump - Designed for long-term infusion of medicines to the patient at a given rate
Advantages: - super compact (does not require additional set) - quickly brought into working state; - easy to operate; ...
Disposable folding splints (plastic)Next
Disposable folding splints (plastic)
Splints are specially shaped plates made of plastic (disposable) with longitudinal and transverse perforations for easy modeling of any size of the sp...
Traction leg splint - Designed for distraction of the extremity in case of fracture displacement Next
Traction leg splint - Designed for distraction of the extremity in case of fracture displacement
The traction leg splint consists of 7 metal elbows connected in a single rigid structure. The elbows are connected to each other by an elastic cable, ...
Disposable folding splint (cardboard) - Designed for transportation of the injured with injuries of the extremitiesNext
Disposable folding splint (cardboard) - Designed for transportation of the injured with injuries of the extremities
Splints for transport immobilization of the extremities are specially shaped plates made of cardboard with longitudinal and transverse perforations fo...
Compression tourniquet - Designed for temporarily stop bleeding in the event of arterial vessels damagingNext
Compression tourniquet - Designed for temporarily stop bleeding in the event of arterial vessels damaging
Tourniquet provides uniform, metered compression and does not injure the skin and tissues. The tourniquet design is simplified as much as possible, ...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

AddressVolgogradsky prospect, 42/5, RU-109316 Moscow

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