

Lange Strasse 6, Nordhausen 99734
Founded: 1884
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23 Product and services

Hydraulic Power Units
Hydraulic Power Units
MAXIMATOR aggregates for oil, water, or aggressive media are complete, ready-to-connect hydraulic units for generating operating pressures up to 7,000...
Compressed Air Aftercooler
Compressed Air Aftercooler
Maximator booster compressors of type PLV are suitable for compressing compressed air or nitrogen. They increase the usual pressures, for example, fro...
High Pressure Pumps
High Pressure Pumps
The compact, cost-effective MAXIMATOR high-pressure pumps are powered by compressed air or other gases between 1 bar and 10 bar.
High Pressure Check Valves 4,500 bar
High Pressure Check Valves 4,500 bar
MAXIMATOR ball check valves have a long service life and are suitable for high temperatures. MAXIMATOR ball check valves from the 4500 bar series blo...
High Pressure Filter 4,500 bar
High Pressure Filter 4,500 bar
MAXIMATOR two-disc filters of the 4500 bar series filter solids from gases and fluids up to a pressure of max. 4500 bar. MAXIMATOR hood filters of th...
Compressor Stations
Compressor Stations
MAXIMATOR compressor stations for nitrogen or other gases are complete, ready-to-connect compressor stations designed to generate operating pressures ...
Autofrettage Technology
Autofrettage Technology
Autofrettage is a machining process for components subjected to high pressure. Industries such as shipping, aerospace, and automotive manufacturing ut...
Testing Technology for Plastic Components
Testing Technology for Plastic Components
Special testing facilities allow for load tests on these components during ongoing production operations, which reduce vehicle weight and contribute t...

Company images

Main BuildingHydrogen TechnologyTesting LaboratoryQuality Assurance

Location and contact

AddressLange Strasse 6, DE-99734 Nordhausen

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