

Rue minerve centre le crest espace Roussillon est sortie 4, Rue minerve centre le crest, Claira 66530
Employees: 5-9
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Selling complete Lidl bazaar truck with 33 pallets of store returns, sale only for export. Ex1 required, on-site visit by appointment.

2 Product and services

Lidl Truck - Lidl Truck
Lidl Truck - Lidl Truck
Lidl truck complete bazaar 33 pallets store returns for export only Ex1 mandatory possibility to visit on-site by appointment at rue de l'aérodrome in...
Clothing lot - 36 clothing pallets
Clothing lot - 36 clothing pallets
36 pallets of discounted brand clothing for men/women in standard sizes from 36 to 44, no plus sizes, lot of 23,360 pieces, €1.50 per piece, call 0622...

Keywords1 keyword

Location and contact

AddressRue minerve centre le crest espace Roussillon est sortie 4, Rue minerve centre le crest, FR-66530 Claira

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