Responds reliably


Komenskeho 500/30, +421907194040, Námestovo 029 01
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2001
Employees: 20-49
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About us
Producent and manufacturer of souvenirs ,hand made products of best quality, handmade angels from ceramics,handmade, pottery , decoration, handcrafts, beauty angels.our company are products of best handmade angels from best materials of big quality.

8 Product and services

Ceramics Handmade Angels - Angels
Ceramics Handmade Angels - Angels
We are producting a lot of best designs handmade ceramics angels.
Cups - handmade ceramics cups
Cups - handmade ceramics cups
we are made ceramics handmade cups...
Small Houses Souvenir - Small Houses
Small Houses Souvenir - Small Houses
We are prosucent of small houses souvenirs. Are small houses with signs of your city or tourist palce .
Cups - Handmade ceramics CUPS
Cups - Handmade ceramics CUPS
we are made ceramics cups - customized for clients...
Ceramics art  - ceramics
Ceramics art - ceramics
we are made customized ceramics art and souvenirs ...
Cups customized  - Cups with brands
Cups customized - Cups with brands
we are made customized Cups for clients with logos and brands...
Angels - ceramics Angels
Angels - ceramics Angels
Handmade high quality products of ceramics angel...
Espresso Cups - souvenirs
Espresso Cups - souvenirs
we are producting customized cups for clients...

Keywords1 keyword

Location and contact

AddressKomenskeho 500/30, +421907194040, SK-029 01 Námestovo

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