

6 rue maryse bastié, Igny 91430
Employees: 5-9
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Up to A3+ size (maximum format): 30.5 x 45 cm. Examples: - A5: 15 x 21 cm - A4: 21 x 29.7 cm - 10 x 15 cm - 10 x 21 cm - 8.5 x 5.5 cm - 21 x 10 cm Features: - Customization - Fast production - Surface finishing options (matte lamination, glossy lamination, selective UV varnish...) - Finishing: 2 metal staples, PUR glued square back or Wire-o - Cromalin (e.g., stickers, magazines, invitations, flyers, 4-page brochures, leaflets, posters, business cards, greeting cards, press kits....)
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Address6 rue maryse bastié, FR-91430 Igny
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