

65 GRANDE RUE , Raze 70000
Delivery: National
Founded: 2021
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26 Product and services

Cleaning - Roof and FacadeNext
Cleaning - Roof and Facade
If the condition of the structure and surface of the facade allows it, cleaning the facade of your house is the necessary step to eliminate all dirt.
Waterproofing Treatment - Roof and FacadeNext
Waterproofing Treatment - Roof and Facade
The colorless or colored roof water repellent provides protection, renovates, and extends the lifespan of your roof. This application offers sanitatio...
Terrace - Outdoor LayoutNext
Terrace - Outdoor Layout
The beautiful days are coming, and you want to enjoy a true living space outside your home. You would like to create access points or a friendly and e...
Cleaning and Moss Removal - Roof and FacadeNext
Cleaning and Moss Removal - Roof and Facade
Cleaning the roof of your house is a necessary step to eliminate all dirt and vegetation. This step can be sufficient to restore a healthy roof if car...
coating for facade restoration - Roof and facadeNext
coating for facade restoration - Roof and facade
Curative and preventive, this coating allows for the restoration of a façade without significant surface defects. It addresses porosity issues, provid...
Guardrail - Outdoor LayoutNext
Guardrail - Outdoor Layout
Classical, glazed, or barred, guardrails secure individuals against the risk of falling from terraces, stairs, or windows. These creations will harmon...
Mosquito Net - Outdoor CarpentryNext
Mosquito Net - Outdoor Carpentry
The mosquito net, the ideal alternative to protect you day and night. With lateral, vertical, or fixed rolling options, mosquito nets are designed to ...
Water Heater - BathroomNext
Water Heater - Bathroom
A good way to reduce your energy budget and avoid waste is to upgrade your hot water production equipment. The pleasure of having abundant hot water a...
Radiator - Home ComfortNext
Radiator - Home Comfort
Energy efficiency, immediate warmth, comfort, and ease of installation and use with a new generation of electric radiators. Leveraging the latest tec...
Towel Warmer - BathroomNext
Towel Warmer - Bathroom
A warm atmosphere with soft warmth and warm towels every morning, that is the comfort of a cozy bathroom. Aesthetic, easy to use, and programmable t...
Bathtub and Toilet - BathroomNext
Bathtub and Toilet - Bathroom
Comfortable or functional, classic or contemporary, renovating the bathroom is an important moment in the life of a home. The bathroom is a key point ...

Location and contact

Address65 GRANDE RUE , FR-70000 Raze

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