

Ernst-Leitz-Strasse 17-37, Wetzlar 35578
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137 Product and services

Leica EM TRIM2 - Sample Cutting Device for TEM, SEM, LM
Leica EM TRIM2 - Sample Cutting Device for TEM, SEM, LM
The Leica EM TRIM2 is a high-speed milling system equipped with an integrated stereomicroscope and LED ring illuminator for cutting biological and ind...
Leica DMS1000 - Modular Digital Microscope System
Leica DMS1000 - Modular Digital Microscope System
Digital microscope system for inspection, observation, and digital measurement. From the smallest detail to an overview, the optics ensure magnificati...
Leica DM2700 M - Vertical Materials Microscope with Universal LED Illumination
Leica DM2700 M - Vertical Materials Microscope with Universal LED Illumination
With its universal white LED lighting and high-quality Leica optics, the Leica DM2700 M is the ideal inspection tool for many quality assessments. The...
Leica DMS300 - Modular Digital Microscope System
Leica DMS300 - Modular Digital Microscope System
The Leica DMS300 is a complete digital microscope system that uses an HDMI monitor instead of eyepieces. Leica's high-quality 8:1 zoom optics are comb...
Leica EM UC7 ultramicrotome - Ultramicrotome for room temperature and cryogenic sectioning
Leica EM UC7 ultramicrotome - Ultramicrotome for room temperature and cryogenic sectioning
The high-quality sectioning of samples for examination under light, electron, and atomic force microscopy has never been easier and more precise. Leic...
Leica MC190 HD - High-resolution microscope camera for analysis.
Leica MC190 HD - High-resolution microscope camera for analysis.
Digital camera for microscopes for color images and video recording of your samples in Full HD: featuring a 10-megapixel CMOS sensor and up to 30 fram...
Leica DM4 M  / Leica DM6 M - Upright Materials Microscopes
Leica DM4 M / Leica DM6 M - Upright Materials Microscopes
Upright microscopes for materials science and industrial quality analysis provide consistent imaging conditions and reliable results. Microscope setti...
Leica MC170 HD - 5 Megapixel HD Microscope Camera
Leica MC170 HD - 5 Megapixel HD Microscope Camera
Thanks to a standard resolution of 5 megapixels and 30 frames per second, the Leica MC170 HD microscope camera produces high-speed full HD live images...
Microscopes with LIBS Spectrometer - DM6 M LIBS Microstructure Composition Analysis Solution
Microscopes with LIBS Spectrometer - DM6 M LIBS Microstructure Composition Analysis Solution
Inspect visually and analyze chemically in a single workflow step with your DM6 M LIBS material analysis solution. The integrated laser spectroscopy f...
Leica Z6 APO - 6:1 Motorized Macroscope for detailed documentation, measurement, and evaluation.
Leica Z6 APO - 6:1 Motorized Macroscope for detailed documentation, measurement, and evaluation.
Optimally suited for detailed analyses with high contrast and high resolution, the Leica Z6 Apo manual macroscope features a fully apochromatic zoom s...
Leica ICC50 E and ICC50 W - Cameras for Light Microscopes
Leica ICC50 E and ICC50 W - Cameras for Light Microscopes
For the digital classroom: The 5-megapixel cameras transmit HD images directly and in real-time to students' mobile devices. They can connect to the m...
Leica M205 / M165 / M125 - High-Performance Stereo MicroscopesNext
Leica M205 / M165 / M125 - High-Performance Stereo Microscopes
The high-end stereo microscopes of the Leica M series are ideal for reliable materials testing. Tackle a variety of tasks without having to change the...
Leica DMS1000 - Digital Microscopes
Leica DMS1000 - Digital Microscopes
Digital microscope system for inspection, observation, and digital measurement. From the smallest detail to a broad overview, the optics ensure magnif...
Leica DVM6 - Digital Microscope
Leica DVM6 - Digital Microscope
Digital microscope for failure analysis, quality assurance and control, research and development, or forensic science. Exceptional optics, intuitive h...
DM750 M / DM750 P - Binocular materials microscope for education and metallography
DM750 M / DM750 P - Binocular materials microscope for education and metallography
Microscopes for applications in industrial laboratories or education in materials science. The LED reflected light system is versatile and facilitates...

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AddressErnst-Leitz-Strasse 17-37, DE-35578 Wetzlar

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