

Auf dem Kessellande 2, Wedemark 30900
Founded: 1998
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9 Product and services

SIGMA Extraction System
SIGMA Extraction System
The KWH extraction systems of the SIGMA series are designed for extracting dry dust with a high airflow rate of up to 18,700 m³/h and pressures of up ...
Extraction System ALU Washboy 1.600
Extraction System ALU Washboy 1.600
The ALU Washboy 1600 is a mobile extraction system designed for the extraction and separation of grinding dust. It is specifically suitable for alumi...
Mobile Welding Fume Extraction Unit Filterboy TOP
Mobile Welding Fume Extraction Unit Filterboy TOP
Portable device for extracting and filtering welding smoke and fine dust. The extraction is done via an extraction arm with a pre-filter and mechanic...
Industrial Vacuum Cleaner M 450 S
Industrial Vacuum Cleaner M 450 S
This compact high-performance vacuum cleaner M 450 S is solid, handy, and quiet, making it the ideal model for many industrial applications. The vacu...
Industrial Vacuum Cleaner 301 DUST
Industrial Vacuum Cleaner 301 DUST
This compact dry vacuum cleaner 301 DUST is solid, handy, and quiet, making it the ideal model for many industrial applications. The vacuum cleaner i...
Industrial Vacuum Cleaner MTL 4533
Industrial Vacuum Cleaner MTL 4533
The three-phase vacuum cleaner MTL 4533 features a suction unit made of aluminum die-cast in the type of side channel blower, electronically balanced ...
Industrial Vacuum Cleaner M 450 OIL
Industrial Vacuum Cleaner M 450 OIL
The high-performance industrial vacuum cleaner M 450 OIL features 3 collector motors at 230 volts and is the ideal machine for sucking up liquids and ...
Industrial Vacuum Cleaner TC 100 IF
Industrial Vacuum Cleaner TC 100 IF
The high-performance industrial vacuum cleaner TC 100 IF is the ideal machine for sucking up liquids and chips. The sucked-up liquid is transported i...
Industrial Vacuum Cleaner M 220 S
Industrial Vacuum Cleaner M 220 S
This compact high-performance vacuum cleaner M 220 S is solid, handy, and quiet, making it the ideal model for many industrial applications. The vacu...

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AddressAuf dem Kessellande 2, DE-30900 Wedemark

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