

ZI Bois l'abbesse, Liepvre 68660
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About us
Indoor or outdoor balustrades, designer stair railings, modern handrails... We have been specialists in wooden and metal guardrails for over 30 years. Do you have a project for an affordable balcony guardrail, or a wooden or metal terrace railing? We’ve got you covered! Making the installation of a guardrail easy and simplifying your shopping experience is the promise that drives us at Kordo, the specialist in French-made guardrails.

1 Product or service

2m Ready-to-Install Aluminum Guardrail Kit - INOLINE Range
2m Ready-to-Install Aluminum Guardrail Kit - INOLINE Range
The metal guardrail from the Inoline range is a ready-to-install solution made of durable aluminum. Available in several colors: anthracite black, whi...

Location and contact

AddressZI Bois l'abbesse, FR-68660 Liepvre

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