

Wellinghofer Strasse 175, Dortmund 44263
Founded: 1969
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About us

9 Product and services

Large Format Digital Printing
Large Format Digital Printing
Our large-format digital printing sector has become increasingly significant in recent years. It covers new markets, opens up attractive fields of wo...
Industrial Screen Printing
Industrial Screen Printing
Screen printing is characterized by its versatility in handling materials, colors, and inks. This makes it interesting for the field of art prints and...
Print Finishing
Print Finishing
As a partner of many offset printing companies, Klenke has made a name for itself in excellent print finishing.
Design Objects
Design Objects
High-quality materials, glossy printing, and top-notch craftsmanship are the principles behind our design objects. We blend this with creativity, exp...
Our signs welcome your visitors. They represent you in the finest way and always serve as your business card. We select materials based on their eleg...
Facade Design
Facade Design
Fascias are large surfaces that can be designed and turned into advertising spaces. Distribution boxes and electrical cabinets become eye-catchers. F...
Vehicle Branding
Vehicle Branding
Vehicles are a fantastic advertising space: Once you invest in vehicle lettering – you gain a long-lasting, cost-effective, and effective presence of ...
Advertising is the appropriate conveyance of purchasing opportunities. The name, the desired image, product characteristics, lifestyle, and branding a...
Klenke has made a name for itself in the field of graphics for editions, posters, and art calendars.

Location and contact

AddressWellinghofer Strasse 175, DE-44263 Dortmund

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