Lindgesfeld 8h, Solingen 42653
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About us
Provider of cable assemblies and distributor of various connector types. Contact person for both small and large customers.

5 Product and services

DTM Series Connector
DTM Series Connector
2-/3-/4-/6-/8-/12-pole max. 7.5 A, waterproof...
Crimp Contacts
Crimp Contacts
DEUTSCH Pin contact Series DTM turned. DEUTSCH Socket contact Series DTM stamped. DEUTSCH Pin contact Series DTM stamped. DEUTSCH Socket contact Serie...
Cable Assembly & Wiring Harness Manufacturing
Cable Assembly & Wiring Harness Manufacturing
Upon request, we also offer pre-assembled individual cables. For this, we use crimp contacts from, for example, Stocko or AMP. We have several fully ...
Cable Glands
Cable Glands
The end housing with PG or metric thread allows for additional components to be screwed onto the Toughcon connector or socket, such as cable glands.
Flat Connectors
Flat Connectors
Cembre RF-F308P Flat Terminal 2.8x0.8 red fully insulated Flat terminal made of polycarbonate, insulated and partially reinforced with a copper sleev...

Location and contact

AddressLindgesfeld 8h, DE-42653 Solingen
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