

6 Rue de L'ilette, Chelles 77500
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2005
Employees: 100-199
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29 Product and services

NT350 Dental Aerosol Vacuum - PRO Air PurifierNext
NT350 Dental Aerosol Vacuum - PRO Air Purifier
Dental Aerosol Vacuum Nt350 - PRO Air Purifier...
XS350-2S Smoke Extractor - Welding Smoke ExtractorNext
XS350-2S Smoke Extractor - Welding Smoke Extractor
Brushless DC motor with a lifespan of up to 10 years ensures up to 43% energy savings compared to similar products can operate continuously for 40,0...
XS350-2 Smoke Extractor - Welding Smoke ExtractorNext
XS350-2 Smoke Extractor - Welding Smoke Extractor
Brushless DC motor with a lifespan of up to 10 years ensures up to 43% energy savings compared to similar products can operate continuously for 40,0...
XS450 Smoke Extractor for 6 Operators - Laser Smoke ExtractorNext
XS450 Smoke Extractor for 6 Operators - Laser Smoke Extractor
XS450 Smoke Extractor for 6 Operators - Laser Smoke Extractor...
4L Electric Nebulizer Destructor 3 Nozzles - PRO Air PurifierNext
4L Electric Nebulizer Destructor 3 Nozzles - PRO Air Purifier
The portable electric nebulizer is ideal for disinfecting and sanitizing the air in any location or room. It allows for decontamination of: - Public...
Aspiration Smoke Extraction XS1-2 - Welding Smoke ExtractorNext
Aspiration Smoke Extraction XS1-2 - Welding Smoke Extractor
Aspiration of Cutting Fumes Xs1-2 - Welding Smoke Extractor...
F6002d Air Purifier for Beauty Salon - PRO Air PurifierNext
F6002d Air Purifier for Beauty Salon - PRO Air Purifier
F6002d Air Purifier for Beauty Salon - PRO Air Purifier...
Laser Smoke Extractor XL-3000 - Laser Smoke ExtractorNext
Laser Smoke Extractor XL-3000 - Laser Smoke Extractor
Laser Smoke Extractor XL-3000 - Laser smoke extractor...
Laser Smoke Extractor XL-2000 - Laser Smoke ExtractorNext
Laser Smoke Extractor XL-2000 - Laser Smoke Extractor
Laser Smoke Extractor XL-2000 - Laser Smoke Extractor...
F6001d Air Purifier for Beauty Salon - PRO Air PurifierNext
F6001d Air Purifier for Beauty Salon - PRO Air Purifier
F6001d Air Purifier for Beauty Salon - PRO Air Purifier...
Laser Smoke Extractor F6000d - Laser Smoke ExtractorNext
Laser Smoke Extractor F6000d - Laser Smoke Extractor
Laser Smoke Extractor F6000d - Laser smoke extractor...
Laser Smoke Extractor XL-1500 - Laser Smoke ExtractorNext
Laser Smoke Extractor XL-1500 - Laser Smoke Extractor
Laser Smoke Extractor XL-1500 - Laser smoke extractor...
Laser Smoke Extractor XL-5000 - Laser Smoke ExtractorNext
Laser Smoke Extractor XL-5000 - Laser Smoke Extractor
Laser Smoke Extractor XL-5000 - Laser Smoke Extractor...
Smt Smoke Extractor Xs-1500 Multi-Operator - Welding Smoke ExtractorNext
Smt Smoke Extractor Xs-1500 Multi-Operator - Welding Smoke Extractor
Brushless DC motor with a lifespan of up to 10 years ensures up to 43% energy savings compared to similar products can operate continuously for 40,0...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
Credit card

Payment terms

D/C - Documentary Collection
SLOC - Standby Letter of Credit

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

Address6 Rue de L'ilette, FR-77500 Chelles

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