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Gießener Str. 49, Grünberg 35305
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1948
Employees: 50-99
Supplier type
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About us

24 Product and services

Modular slip ring systems - Maximum flexibilityNext
Modular slip ring systems - Maximum flexibility
Our individually combinable components for modular slip ring systems offer you maximum flexibility in planning your rotating current and data transmis...
High-current carbon brushes - High current for you
High-current carbon brushes - High current for you
Our high-current brushes feature a large contact surface and a very high metal content. You tell us your requirements. We can produce the version whic...
Small slip-ring systems - Small but strong
Small slip-ring systems - Small but strong
The small slip-ring system in combination with the matching modular slip-ring system is our first choice for you for current and signal transmission i...
Repairs & servicing - If something catches fire or gets stuck
Repairs & servicing - If something catches fire or gets stuck
Some 3,000 different types of brushes in our off-the-shelf store are just waiting to go into action. And if the right one is not amongst them, we will...
Terminal boards - The big brother of the terminal strip
Terminal boards - The big brother of the terminal strip
Terminal board, terminal block, terminal rail: no matter what you call it, we deliver what you need for an interface to your current-transmission solu...
Pumice rods and collector grindstones - Good contacts
Pumice rods and collector grindstones - Good contacts
Stripping, smoothing, polishing, grinding: Good contact is essential for optimum transmission. We offer our customers lots of helpful material here. O...
Small and industrial carbon brushes - MACK for any jobNext
Small and industrial carbon brushes - MACK for any job
Our small and industrial carbon brushes are used in many different power- and signal-transmission applications. How can we help you? The range of diff...
Brush grades - A wide range of formulationsNext
Brush grades - A wide range of formulations
Tried and trusted standard types, or individually produced special solutions: No matter what you require – we have the right grade for any application...
Slip rings - When it’s mechanical and electrical
Slip rings - When it’s mechanical and electrical
Slip rings provide the basis for rotating current transfer and all its demanding applications. Which challenges can we meet for you? In combination wi...

Company images

CompanyThigh HolderFlange holderSanding pieceCarbon brushesSanding piecesSmall and industrial coalsBrush qualities

Location and contact

AddressGießener Str. 49, DE-35305 Grünberg

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