Kemer MahallesI Mehmet AkIf Inan CaddesI No:64 34230 Istanbul TURKEY, Istanbul 34230
Delivery: Worldwide
Employees: 100-199
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About us
As ITINA GOMLEK CO., we have been manufacturing and exporting superior quality men's shirts for years, since the 1970s. We have extensive business experience from west to east all around the world. ITINA GOMLEK is taking firm steps towards becoming a premium brand that aims to offer the best to its customers through modern production methods of the 21st century, advanced technology use, and with its professional team. *Customization *OEM *ODM *INCOTERMS *Private Label
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Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
SWIFT transfer
Bill of exchange
Credit card

Payment terms

COD - Cash on Delivery
D/C - Documentary Collection
SLOC - Standby Letter of Credit

Location and contact

AddressKemer MahallesI Mehmet AkIf Inan CaddesI No:64 34230 Istanbul TURKEY, TR-34230 Istanbul

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