Neuer Friedberg 5, Suhl 98527
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Founded: 1998
Employees: 20-49
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122 Product and services

ORC 80 Cutter - For sampling insulation from conductors and cablesNext
ORC 80 Cutter - For sampling insulation from conductors and cables
Instrument Details: Save up to ⅔ of uncertainty through careful sample preparation ■ Robust construction ■ Thin samples with smooth surfaces ■ Simple ...
Conductor Extraction Punch - CRP - Device facilitating the extraction of solid electrical conductorsNext
Conductor Extraction Punch - CRP - Device facilitating the extraction of solid electrical conductors
■ Preparation of cable samples for subsequent processing ■ Developed to extract solid conductors from the cable sheath ■ For example, slicing the shea...
LED Mini-Barlights LSB-series - LED Mini-Barlight for Machine Vision applicationsNext
LED Mini-Barlights LSB-series - LED Mini-Barlight for Machine Vision applications
The design of LUMIMAX® LED bar lights generates the optimum illumination for elongated test objects. With power LEDs in conjunction with interchangeab...
LED Ring Lighting LR45 Series - LED Ring Lighting for Industrial Image Processing (Machine Vision)Next
LED Ring Lighting LR45 Series - LED Ring Lighting for Industrial Image Processing (Machine Vision)
With a free inner diameter of 45 mm, an outer diameter of 100 mm, a height of 25 mm, and a weight of 250 g, the LR45 is extremely compact. The three-d...
ES Series LED Coaxial Lighting - LED Coaxial Lighting for Industrial Image ProcessingNext
ES Series LED Coaxial Lighting - LED Coaxial Lighting for Industrial Image Processing
The LUMIMAX® LED coaxial lighting produces very uniform and shadow-free illumination of objects thanks to its extremely diffuse and vertically reflect...
Cold Impact Test - Device for an impact test at low temperature
Cold Impact Test - Device for an impact test at low temperature
Device details: ■ Device and operation are according to the standard IEC 60811-506 (IEC 60811-1-4) point 8.5 ■ Case set offers all required weights ...
Splitting Cutter SC-PE - Standard-compliant cable sample preparation for thermal expansion testing (hard materials)Next
Splitting Cutter SC-PE - Standard-compliant cable sample preparation for thermal expansion testing (hard materials)
Compliance with the standard IEC EN 60811-2-1 (Thermal Expansion and Tensile Testing): ▪ Compact, electric device for laboratories ▪ Designed to cut...
Hot Set Test - Thermal Expansion & Pressure Testing for Compliance Measurement according to IEC EN 60811-507Next
Hot Set Test - Thermal Expansion & Pressure Testing for Compliance Measurement according to IEC EN 60811-507
Device Details: ■ 2 in 1: The device includes thermal expansion testing (Hot Set Test) and thermal pressure testing ■ Robust and compact construction ...
BASIC LED Surface Lighting BF Series - BASIC Surface Lighting for Industrial Image Processing (Machine Vision)Next
BASIC LED Surface Lighting BF Series - BASIC Surface Lighting for Industrial Image Processing (Machine Vision)
Under the name BASIC, LUMIMAX® presents a powerful LED lighting series for simple machine vision applications. The focus on essential functions and th...
LED Panel Lighting LG-V02 Series - LED Panel Lighting for Industrial Image Processing (Machine Vision)Next
LED Panel Lighting LG-V02 Series - LED Panel Lighting for Industrial Image Processing (Machine Vision)
The latest generation of LUMIMAX® surface lights with LightGuide technology impresses with significantly improved uniformity and brightness values, th...
Splitting Cutter - Norm-compliant cable sample preparation for thermal expansion testing
Splitting Cutter - Norm-compliant cable sample preparation for thermal expansion testing
Compliance with the standard IEC EN 60811-501, -507 (Thermal Expansion Test and Tensile Test): ▪ Samples are taken from the inner part of the jacket a...
Hot Set Test - Hot Elongation Test and Hot PressureNext
Hot Set Test - Hot Elongation Test and Hot Pressure
■ Two devices in one allowing for both elongation and hot pressure testing ■ Robust and compact construction, including complementary devices and a ca...
VCPLab Cable Measurement Device - Camera-based system for measuring cable geometriesNext
VCPLab Cable Measurement Device - Camera-based system for measuring cable geometries
Instrument Details: ■ Robust housing seals resistant to external light ■ Central control unit ■ Semi-automatic focusing and lighting ■ Protected again...
High Power LED Spots - High Power LEDs for Industrial Image Processing (Machine Vision)Next
High Power LED Spots - High Power LEDs for Industrial Image Processing (Machine Vision)
The LUMIMAX® High Power LED Spots are particularly compact and powerful, characterized by high brightness. Thanks to their focused and very homogeneou...
Flat Cable Cutter 75 - FCC 75 - Sample Cutting Device for Flat Cables up to a Maximum of 75 x 8 mm (Width x Height)Next
Flat Cable Cutter 75 - FCC 75 - Sample Cutting Device for Flat Cables up to a Maximum of 75 x 8 mm (Width x Height)
Device Details: ■ Save up to ⅔ measurement uncertainty with well-prepared samples ■ Very robust device for quick and efficient cutting of flat ribbon ...

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AddressNeuer Friedberg 5, DE-98527 Suhl

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