

Am Bahndamm 9, Altenstadt 63674
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 2005
Employees: 50-99
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16 Product and services

SharePoint Usage, Office Service, 24/7 Service
SharePoint Usage, Office Service, 24/7 Service
Simple Data Sharing Let’s use a common platform to work efficiently and purposefully. Our professional telephone service is suitable for various type...
Secretarial Services, Office Services
Secretarial Services, Office Services
Do you also drop your tools every time your phone rings? Do you wipe your hands clean and look for a quiet spot on the construction site?
Always Flexible
Always Flexible
Flexible relief for your telephone center. Temporary, point-specific, or permanent handling of your calls. Customized greeting with your own handling.
Inbound Call Center
Inbound Call Center
Do you spend a lot of time in client meetings or at court? For your callers, it often means that you are not personally reachable, and calls simply ge...
Telephone Order Services
Telephone Order Services
Long queues from checking in or out hotel guests while the phone keeps ringing non-stop. What should you prioritize first?
Call-Back Service
Call-Back Service
The practical call-back service allows you to contact customers again when it suits you, if necessary.
Always Up-to-Date
Always Up-to-Date
Well-informed about every call With our telephone service, you won't miss any calls anymore. Immediately after a call, you will receive a call note v...
Call Center Services for the IT Industry
Call Center Services for the IT Industry
Call center services for the IT industry & software providers. Professional, friendly staff handle your inbound calls using modern software and hardwa...
Order Hotlines, Data Entry in Customer-Side Web Interface
Order Hotlines, Data Entry in Customer-Side Web Interface
Our professional telephone service is suitable for various types of businesses: whether sole proprietors, lawyers, or service providers. We also suppo...
Our Telephone Service / Telephone Service Provider
Our Telephone Service / Telephone Service Provider
Reception / Telephone exchange / 24-hour hotline / During focused work phases and important appointments/ Holiday/sick leave coverage...
Always reachable
Always reachable
Always available for your callers. Orders will no longer be lost to the competition due to unreachable lines. Improvement of customer loyalty and fina...
Telephone Communication Training
Telephone Communication Training
Do you think your requirements for our call center staff might be too complex? With training sessions tailored to your needs, you don’t have to worry...
Help Desk (Hotline Services)
Help Desk (Hotline Services)
We handle incoming calls to your service hotline generally or only in overflow situations. Optionally, we also offer 24/7/365 service for your contrac...
Telephone service provider, office service, 24/7, night service, night duty, emergency service
Telephone service provider, office service, 24/7, night service, night duty, emergency service
Our telephone service – also for your business...
Office Service, 24/7, Emergency Service, Emergency Support, Night Service
Office Service, 24/7, Emergency Service, Emergency Support, Night Service
We answer the phone for you – whenever your customers need you. Because those who want to succeed must be reachable. Our office service is also availa...

Location and contact

AddressAm Bahndamm 9, DE-63674 Altenstadt

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