

Alfred-Herrhausen-Allee 3-5, Eschborn 65760
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1995
Employees: 5-9
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About us
One of the largest German-speaking shopping portals for machines for Metalworking Woodworking Sheet metal processing Transport At the same time, you will find a wide selection of accessories and tools with us. With kind regards - Your machine wholesale from Stuttgart.

12 Product and services

Plastic Parts
Plastic Parts
Shut-off Valve K D=123 mm 5" Technical Information (approx. values) Width overall 16 cm Height, valve retracted 19 cm Height, valve extended 31.5 cm...
Extraction Systems
Extraction Systems
FT100 Extraction System 1000 cbm/h Vacuum Cleaner...
Machine Accessories
Machine Accessories
Clamping Tool Set 24-pc. M 6 x 8 mm This high-quality clamping tool set for B=8 mm "Slot Width"...
Metal Accessories
Metal Accessories
Universal Chassis 320kg Transport Device Universal Chassis - max. load capacity 320 kg - max. square 96x96 cm - max. rectangular 55x137 cm - min. 36...
Wood Machines
Wood Machines
Planer Knife Setting Gauge Planer Knife Setting Gauge The sale price refers to 2 pieces = 1 pair Best grip on the knife shaft thanks to powerful mag...
Sheet Metal Processing
Sheet Metal Processing
Hydraulic Pipe Bender 10 tons Hydraulic pipe bender 10 tons for pipes ranging from 1/2 to 2 inches, such as copper pipes, water pipes, steam pipes, g...
Dust Extraction Hose 63 mm ID PULPUR eco WS0.4 [10m piece] PU Hose...
Grinding Machine
Grinding Machine
Disc grinding machine, disc sander, circular saw blade sharpening machine, universal sharpening machine, planer knife grinding machine, spindle grindi...
Sharpening Machine
Sharpening Machine
Disc Grinding Machine Disc Grinding Machine Type TSM250 Technical Data (approx.): Grinding Wheel Diameter D=250 mm Motor 230 V / 550 Watts Speed ...
B080-3 Drill Machine Vise Drill Machine Vise B80-3 Technical Data: Jaw Width approx. 80 mm Clamping Range approx. 80 mm Slot Center Distance appr...
Metal Bandsaw Blade
Metal Bandsaw Blade
1140 x 13 x 0.65 mm 14 TPI Bandsaw Blade...
Radial Fan
Radial Fan
Radial fan, extraction fan, extraction motor, speed regulated, transport fan, axial fan, hot air fan,...

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Location and contact

AddressAlfred-Herrhausen-Allee 3-5, DE-65760 Eschborn

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