

Im Karrer 6, Ravensburg 88214
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1977
Employees: 50-99
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6 Product and services

7-flute router - LDF740-2 - 7-flute router with M-cut without chipbreakerr, diamond coated, for CFRP/ GFRP
7-flute router - LDF740-2 - 7-flute router with M-cut without chipbreakerr, diamond coated, for CFRP/ GFRP
Allround router with quiet operation for machining of composite materials such as CFRP and GFRP in the diameter range Ø 0.20 to 6.00 mm. Advantages: ...
7-flute router - LDF740 - 7-flute router with M-cut and chip breaker, diamond coated, for CFRP and GFRP
7-flute router - LDF740 - 7-flute router with M-cut and chip breaker, diamond coated, for CFRP and GFRP
Allround router with quiet operation for machining of composite materials such as CFRP and GFRP in the diameter range Ø 0.20 to 6.00 mm. Advantages: ...
6-flute router - RDF640 - 6-flute router with M-cut and chip breaker, diamond coated, for CFRP and GFRP
6-flute router - RDF640 - 6-flute router with M-cut and chip breaker, diamond coated, for CFRP and GFRP
Allround router with quiet operation for machining of composite materials such as CFRP and GFRP in the diameter range Ø 0.20 to 6.00 mm. Advantages: ...
solid carbide drill - DDK201-1 - solid carbide drill, diamond coated, for CFRP and GRP
solid carbide drill - DDK201-1 - solid carbide drill, diamond coated, for CFRP and GRP
Allround drill with quiet operation for machining of composite materials such as CFRP and GFRP in the diameter range Ø 0.20 to 6.00 mm. Advantages: G...
7-flute router - RDF740 - 7-flute router with M-cut and chip breaker, diamond coated, for CFRP and GFRP
7-flute router - RDF740 - 7-flute router with M-cut and chip breaker, diamond coated, for CFRP and GFRP
Allround router with quiet operation for machining of composite materials such as CFRP and GFRP in the diameter range Ø 0.20 to 6.00 mm. Advantages: ...
7-flute router - RDF700 - 7-flute router with flat ent cut, diamond coated, for CFRP und GFRP
7-flute router - RDF700 - 7-flute router with flat ent cut, diamond coated, for CFRP und GFRP
Allround router with quiet operation for machining of composite materials such as CFRP and GFRP in the diameter range Ø 0.20 to 6.00 mm. Advantages: ...

Location and contact

AddressIm Karrer 6, DE-88214 Ravensburg

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