

Descostraße 3-11, Karlsbad 76307
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1961
Employees: 200-499
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30 Product and services

ULTRALINE - Special designs
ULTRALINE - Special designs
Special designs are realized by combination of up to 80% of standardized sub-assemblies. This avoids high-cost special construction. The use of reliab...
ULTRALINE - Rotary table
ULTRALINE - Rotary table
Rotary table machines are used for applications that involve production of large counts in cycle time-optimized manner. The machine design allows for ...
Continuous ultrasonic welding - MICROBOND RS
Continuous ultrasonic welding - MICROBOND RS
The patented MicroGap control also allows for precise gap stabilization for this module concept and ensures uniform weld quality. The rotational weld ...
Ultrasonic components - Ultrasonic booster
Ultrasonic components - Ultrasonic booster
For frequency values of 20, 30, and 35 kHz ultrasonic boosters with different gain ratios (transformation) are available. All ultrasonic boosters are ...
Ultrasonic actuators - VE COMPACTLINE
Ultrasonic actuators - VE COMPACTLINE
The 35 kHz COMPACTLINE are well suited for multi-head work spaces and are frequently also used in robot automation due to their low weight. The extrem...
Packaging technology - Vent applicators
Packaging technology - Vent applicators
The Herrmann Ultraschall vent applicator is a fast-acting module with a compact footprint, which is used for the most varied aroma-protecting and dega...
Packaging technology - Capsule module
Packaging technology - Capsule module
The weld tools safely seal the foil even with fine coffee residues present within the sealing zone. This complete solution consists of an ultrasonic g...
Ultrasonic components - Ultrasonic converter
Ultrasonic components - Ultrasonic converter
Depending on production environment conditions, ultrasonic converters are available with protection ratings of IP50, IP65, and IP67. For rotating oper...
Ultrasonic plastic welding machines - HiQ DIALOG SpeedControl
Ultrasonic plastic welding machines - HiQ DIALOG SpeedControl
The core of this ultrasonic welding machine is the patented pneumatic HMC drive concept. It combines the benefits of pneumatics with the dynamics of a...
Ultrasonic components - Fixtures
Ultrasonic components - Fixtures
Herrmann Ultraschall has long-term experience in the field of fixture design. In order to obtain good weld results, a fixture has to be perfectly adap...
ULTRALINE - H-frame press
ULTRALINE - H-frame press
The solid machine design of the h-frame press with section steel frame structure is the basis for integration of multi-head tools. Equipment with up t...
Ultrasonic components - Anvils
Ultrasonic components - Anvils
In interaction with the sonotrode, the anvil produces and shapes the joint and thus is one of the core components of the ultrasonic sealing process. S...
Packaging technology - Customized solutions
Packaging technology - Customized solutions
In order to make use of the many benefits of ultrasonic welding, Herrmann Ultraschall realizes special solutions for many other packaging variants. Th...
Ultrasonic plastic welding machines - HiQ VARIO PropControl
Ultrasonic plastic welding machines - HiQ VARIO PropControl
The name delivers what it promises. The ultrasonic welding machine HiQ VARIO can be configured to completely suit the customer’s needs. A large number...
ULTRALINE - Ultrasonic module cell
ULTRALINE - Ultrasonic module cell
Fully automated ultrasonic module cells are integrated in complete production lines. The design and type of the transport system used depends on custo...

Location and contact

AddressDescostraße 3-11, DE-76307 Karlsbad

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