

380 avenue du Pdt Salvador Allende, Portes Les Valence 26800
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2016
Employees: 5-9
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185 Product and services

Adhesive Wallpaper Andalusian Hexab - ANDALOUZ
Adhesive Wallpaper Andalusian Hexab - ANDALOUZ
63,20 €
Dress up a wall in your home with the easy-to-apply adhesive wallpapers from HD86, featuring original designs from our partner designer Andalouz. Do y...
Echeveria Vinyl Rug - FLORAL CHICNext
Echeveria Vinyl Rug - FLORAL CHIC
37,50 €
The HD86 vinyl rugs are available in various sizes, from 50x100 cm to 150x300 cm, to dress up every room in your home. From a more exotic look for you...
20,00 €
To combat the Covid-19 virus that affects us all, our company distributes triple-layer barrier fabric masks made of 100% cotton, approved by the DGA f...
Adhesive Wallpaper Philodendron - EXOTICNext
Adhesive Wallpaper Philodendron - EXOTIC
60,00 €
REPOSITIONABLE ADHESIVE WALLPAPER Do you want to bring some cheer to your interior by applying a strip of wallpaper? Better than wallpaper, HD86 off...
Adhesive Credenza Line Up - GEOMETRICNext
Adhesive Credenza Line Up - GEOMETRIC
17,50 €
Do you want to give your kitchen a fresh look without embarking on major renovations? We have the solution! Bring modernity into your kitchen with thi...
Round Vinyl Rug Bali - ROUND - MANDALASNext
Round Vinyl Rug Bali - ROUND - MANDALAS
40,00 €
The HD86 vinyl rugs are available in various sizes, from 50x100 cm to 150x300 cm, to dress up every room in your home. Whether you're looking for a mo...
Self-Adhesive Tiles Robot - KIDS
Self-Adhesive Tiles Robot - KIDS
30,00 €
Dress up your walls with our adhesive fabric stickers. Refresh your walls or furniture effortlessly with our self-adhesive stickers. Self-adhesive wi...
Adhesive Wallpaper Andalusian Palmop - ANDALOUZ
Adhesive Wallpaper Andalusian Palmop - ANDALOUZ
63,20 €
HD86 offers you its adhesive wallpapers featuring designs by textile designer ANDALOUZ. Do you want to bring some cheer to your interior by applying a...
Metropolitan Area - NEW TABLESNext
Metropolitan Area - NEW TABLES
50,00 €
This set of paintings will add the finishing touch to your interior decor. Built to last. Each painting comes with a hook on the back. Clean with so...
Fishscale Credenza - GEOMETRICNext
Fishscale Credenza - GEOMETRIC
120,00 €
Durable over time, rust-resistant. Ready-to-use adhesive, double-sided foam that masks irregularities of the substrate used up to 0.5mm, no need for ...
Adhesive Credenza Painting Line Shades - CLASSICNext
Adhesive Credenza Painting Line Shades - CLASSIC
17,50 €
Easy to install and maintain, this adhesive fabric backsplash can be easily changed to match your decorating desires.
Chalcedony Vinyl Rug - GEOMETRICNext
Chalcedony Vinyl Rug - GEOMETRIC
37,50 €
The HD86 vinyl rugs are available in various sizes, from 50x100 cm to 150x300 cm, to dress every room in your home. From a more exotic look for your b...
Dactyliferous Boards - NEW BOARDSNext
Dactyliferous Boards - NEW BOARDS
50,00 €
HD86 offers you this set of exotic paintings that are easy to install thanks to their pre-installed hooks. Built to last. Each painting comes with it...
Bali Paintings - SINGLE PAINTINGSNext
40,00 €
This printed PVC board will be a real asset to enhance your interior decoration.
Actinote Panels - NEW PANELSNext
Actinote Panels - NEW PANELS
50,00 €
These paintings will fit into any type of ambiance thanks to their design and simplicity. Durability over time. Painting delivered with its hanger on...

Location and contact

Address380 avenue du Pdt Salvador Allende, FR-26800 Portes Les Valence

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