

Axisparc A - Rue Emile Francqui 2, Mont-saint-guibert 1435
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27 Product and services

Forced Draft Cooling Tower - Wet Cooling
Forced Draft Cooling Tower - Wet Cooling
Forced draft cooling towers are specially designed to handle zinc sulphate solutions or highly corrosive liquids. They are equipped with distribution ...
Hrsg For Power Generation - Heat Recovery
Hrsg For Power Generation - Heat Recovery
Hamon Deltak, Inc. has had the opportunity to engineer and manufacture more than 500 HRSGs in the last 40 years. From big to small, with different lev...
Denox Scr - Nox Removal
Denox Scr - Nox Removal
Besides primary measures, Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) is the most effective method for controlling nitrogen oxide emissions (NOx) from combust...
U2A - Nox Removal
U2A - Nox Removal
Hamon Research-Cottrell provides process and equipment expertise, drawn from more than fifteen years of experience with the patented Urea to Ammonia U...
Plume-Abated Induced Draft Cooling Tower - Wet Cooling
Plume-Abated Induced Draft Cooling Tower - Wet Cooling
The cooling tower with plume abatement (also called hybrid or wet/dry) is an evaporative cooling tower combined with a dry heat exchanger, used to aba...
Indirect Dry Cooling Systems - Dry Cooling
Indirect Dry Cooling Systems - Dry Cooling
An indirect dry cooling system is characterized by the use of a condenser and air-cooled heat exchangers.The cooling system consists of the following ...
Industrial Chimneys - Chimneys
Industrial Chimneys - Chimneys
As one of the largest chimney constructors in the world with over 100 years of experience and more than 10,000 installations worldwide, Hamon Custodis...
Fabric Filters - Dust Removal
Fabric Filters - Dust Removal
Hamon fabric filter systems are a major component of a long tradition of excellence. We combine more than 40 years of experience in fabric filtration ...
Wet Gas Scrubbers Exxon Process - Acid Gas RemovalNext
Wet Gas Scrubbers Exxon Process - Acid Gas Removal
ExxonMobil’s Wet Gas Scrubbing (WGS) technology allows refiners to reliably meet tough FCC emission regulations with well-proven technology.In 2002 an...
Electrostatic Precipitators - Dust Removal
Electrostatic Precipitators - Dust Removal
Since Dr. Frederick Cottrell's invention over a century ago, electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) have been a primary technology for controlling particu...
Natural Draft Cooling Tower - Wet Cooling
Natural Draft Cooling Tower - Wet Cooling
The natural draft cooling tower is the right choice for large power plants.It offers the following advantages :power saving (no power consumption to i...
Waste Heat Boilers - Heat Recovery
Waste Heat Boilers - Heat Recovery
Hamon Deltak’s forty-plus years of engineering experience and advanced mechanical capabilities give us the confidence to tackle any unique customer re...
Plug & Play Fabric Filters - Dust Removal
Plug & Play Fabric Filters - Dust Removal
Using standardized material and equip­ment, having a compact design which reduces freight and installation costs, requesting a minimal space envelope,...
Wet Electrostatic Precipitator - Dust Removal
Wet Electrostatic Precipitator - Dust Removal
Dr. Frederick Cottrell developed the first wet electrostatic precipitator (WESP) in 1907 to control sulfuric acid mist from a copper smelting process ...
Fan Assisted Natural Draft Cooling Tower - Wet Cooling
Fan Assisted Natural Draft Cooling Tower - Wet Cooling
The fan assisted natural draft cooling tower (FAND) combines the advantages of the natural draft cooling tower and the mechanical draft cooling tower.

Location and contact

AddressAxisparc A - Rue Emile Francqui 2, BE-1435 Mont-saint-guibert
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