An der Moritzkirche 3, Halle 06108
Founded: 1973
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About us
Locksmith services, alarm systems, locking systems

5 Product and services

Gate and Fence Systems
Gate and Fence Systems
Gate and fencing systems should not only prevent unauthorized access but also integrate harmoniously and purposefully. Remote-controlled door and gat...
Safes and Cassettes
Safes and Cassettes
In our store, we offer a wide selection of safes from renowned manufacturers equipped with combination locks for you. Keep your key in your head, not...
Locking systems and coded individual locks
Locking systems and coded individual locks
In properties with multiple doors, a locking system pays off. There are various types of locking systems that can be combined. In central locking sys...
Locks and Fittings
Locks and Fittings
To protect your home from burglary, it is advisable to install a security lock with a drill-resistant cylinder and door fittings. The lock cylinder, ...
Alarm systems and emergency call systems smoke detectors
Alarm systems and emergency call systems smoke detectors
An alarm system can report a burglary attempt, while smoke detectors can alert a central station about a potential fire. From there, the police or fir...

Location and contact

AddressAn der Moritzkirche 3, DE-06108 Halle
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