

Josef-Haamann-Strasse 6, Freudenberg 97896
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Founded: 1872
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241 Product and services

Container Wheel Set 4336 - 16 t - Container Rollers 4336 - 16 t, move the container on a paved surfaceNext
Container Wheel Set 4336 - 16 t - Container Rollers 4336 - 16 t, move the container on a paved surface
The wheel set for containers is designed for moving containers on stable ground. They are mounted from underneath in the ISO corners; the side opening...
Container roller sets 4336 - 16 t - Container rolls 4336 - 16 t, move container on paved groundNext
Container roller sets 4336 - 16 t - Container rolls 4336 - 16 t, move container on paved ground
The container roller 4336 movement set can be used for manoeuvring containers on paved ground. The attachment of the rollers may be effected from belo...
Container Wheels 4336 - 16 t - Container Wheels 4336 - 16 t, Move containers on solid groundNext
Container Wheels 4336 - 16 t - Container Wheels 4336 - 16 t, Move containers on solid ground
Container wheels 4336 are suitable for moving containers on solid ground. The installation of the wheels is done from below into the ISO corners, leav...
Container roller sets 4336 - 4 - 32 t - Container rolls 4336 - 4 to 32 t, can move containers on paved groundNext
Container roller sets 4336 - 4 - 32 t - Container rolls 4336 - 4 to 32 t, can move containers on paved ground
The container roller 4336 movement set can be used for manoeuvring containers on paved ground. The attachment of the rollers may be effected from belo...
Heavy-duty wheels 4336 16 t - Roll container 4336 - 16 t, move the container on asphalt groundNext
Heavy-duty wheels 4336 16 t - Roll container 4336 - 16 t, move the container on asphalt ground
Wheels for heavy loads up to 10 tons, universal wheels equipped with brakes and directional locking (adjustable as swivel supports or fixed supports),...
Container rollers - 4336 4t - Container rollers 4336 for moving containers up to 4 tNext
Container rollers - 4336 4t - Container rollers 4336 for moving containers up to 4 t
Container castors for moving containers up to 4 t, two swivel castors, two fixed castors, locking in DIN ISO 1161 corner fitting from below, for fixed...
Container roller sets 4336 - 32 t - Container rolls 4336- 32 t Moving containers on paved groundNext
Container roller sets 4336 - 32 t - Container rolls 4336- 32 t Moving containers on paved ground
The container roller 4336 movement set can be used for manoeuvring containers on paved ground. The attachment of the rollers may be effected from belo...
Heavy-duty wheels 4336 - Container rollers 4336 - from 4 to 32 tons, move containers on solid groundNext
Heavy-duty wheels 4336 - Container rollers 4336 - from 4 to 32 tons, move containers on solid ground
Wheels for heavy loads up to 10 tons, universal wheels equipped with brakes and directional locking (adjustable as swivel supports or fixed supports),...
Heavyweight rollers 4336 32 t - Container rolls 4336-32 t Container movement on the groundNext
Heavyweight rollers 4336 32 t - Container rolls 4336-32 t Container movement on the ground
Wheels for heavy weights up to 10 tons, universal wheels with strong adjustable brake and steering adjustment (adjustable as swivel or fixed), locking...
Container Rollers 4337.3,5 - Load lifting 3.5 tons on solid ground.Next
Container Rollers 4337.3,5 - Load lifting 3.5 tons on solid ground.
The rollers for containers 4337.3.5 with a load capacity of 3.5 tons, designed for lifting and moving standard containers. Can be used on solid ground...
Heavyweight rollers 4336 16 t - Container support rollers 4336 - 16 t, move the container on paved groundNext
Heavyweight rollers 4336 16 t - Container support rollers 4336 - 16 t, move the container on paved ground
Wheels for heavy weights up to 10 tons, universal wheels with strong adjustment brake and steering adjustment (adjustable as swivel or locking wheel),...
Container Rollers 4337.3,5 - Container Rollers 4337.3,5 with 3.5-ton Lifter on Solid GroundNext
Container Rollers 4337.3,5 - Container Rollers 4337.3,5 with 3.5-ton Lifter on Solid Ground
The rollers for containers 4337.3,5 with a load capacity of 3.5 tons, designed for lifting and moving standard containers. Can be used on solid ground...
Container wheels 4337.3,5 - Container wheels 4337.3,5 with load capacity of 3.5 tons on solid groundNext
Container wheels 4337.3,5 - Container wheels 4337.3,5 with load capacity of 3.5 tons on solid ground
The container rollers 4337.3,5 with a load capacity of 3.5 tons, designed for lifting and moving standard containers. Usable on solid ground. The roll...
Container wheels 4336 - 8t - Container wheels 4336 - 8t for moving containers on solid groundNext
Container wheels 4336 - 8t - Container wheels 4336 - 8t for moving containers on solid ground
Container wheels 4336 are suitable for moving containers on solid ground. The installation of the wheels is done from below into the ISO corners, leav...
Rollers for containers - 4336 4t - Container rollers 4336 for moving containers up to 4tNext
Rollers for containers - 4336 4t - Container rollers 4336 for moving containers up to 4t
Container transport wheels for transporting containers up to 4 tons, two swivel wheels, two fixed wheels, lockable from below in the DIN ISO 1161 corn...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Payment terms

C/D (or CAD) - Cash against Documents also D/P - Documents against Payment
SLOC - Standby Letter of Credit

Location and contact

AddressJosef-Haamann-Strasse 6, DE-97896 Freudenberg

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