

Siemensstr. 1, Neulußheim 68809
Founded: 1934
Employees: 20-49
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48 Product and services

Bellows hose Type Allflex - Lussoflex® Hoses
Bellows hose Type Allflex - Lussoflex® Hoses
Versatile, highly flexible handling hose for use in zero-pressure applications. For suction and pressure purposes with additional rings. Compressible ...
Solutions - Technical hose products
Solutions - Technical hose products
Since 1934 working with elastomers, we have developed special know-how in development and manufacturing in the field of technical hose products. Hose...
Vehicle exhaust hose - Technical hose products
Vehicle exhaust hose - Technical hose products
Robust version for workshops, test-beds etc. Suitable for hose rollers, drive-over proof, long-term loading up to 160°C, short-term to 190°C. Anti-ki...
Bellows hose Type Hiflex - Lussoflex® Hoses
Bellows hose Type Hiflex - Lussoflex® Hoses
Low-cost bellows version for zero-pressure handling of solid or liquid media for which Allflex is too expensive. Compressible to approx. 40% of overal...
Light and handy suction hose - Environment
Light and handy suction hose - Environment
0,00 €
For road or pavement sweepers of all well-known manufacturers, espacially for suction of material like leaves and garbage. In fixed length with high s...
Automotive Engineering - Hose programNext
Automotive Engineering - Hose program
We produce hoses and technical hose products for many well-known engine and vehicle manufacturers in dimensions from 10 to 250 mm at any length and va...
CSM Hose - Chemical hoses
CSM Hose - Chemical hoses
For a large number of concentrated acids, alkaline solutions, alcohols, saline solutions. Kink-resistant version with good bending properties. Conform...
Mechanical engineering - Hose programNext
Mechanical engineering - Hose program
For the general mechanical engineering industry we produce hoses and technical hose products in dimensions from 15 to 1600 mm, in variable lengths and...
FKM Hose - Chemical hoses
FKM Hose - Chemical hoses
For chemicals and acids in high concentrations and at high operating temperatures to max. 220° C. Version with good bending properties. Conforms to DI...
Latrine hose - Environment
Latrine hose - Environment
Suction and Pressure hose for liquid media, also with solids content. Resistant to faeces and light alkaline solutions. Suitable for use on suction ve...
Expandable hose - Technical hose products
Expandable hose - Technical hose products
For canalization work, or for tunnel, mining and spring construction. Pressures up to 60 bar and inflatable > 2 x external diameter. Wall thicknesses ...
Solvent hose NBR 2 - Chemical hoses
Solvent hose NBR 2 - Chemical hoses
For a large number of solvents and mineral oil products, aldehydes, ketones, esters and alcohols. Conforms to DIN EN 12115. For information on temper...
Electric cooling water hose - Technical hose products
Electric cooling water hose - Technical hose products
0,00 €
For production in the steel, foundry and glass industries. Temperature resistant from -30 ° C to + 120 ° C. Highly flexible, hot water resistant versi...
Maximum pressure hose - Technical hose products
Maximum pressure hose - Technical hose products
Industrial hose for high pressure loads in the liquid and gaseous media fields. Elastomer used based on application or agreement with customer. Fittin...
Heated hose systems - Technical hose products
Heated hose systems - Technical hose products
Industrial or spiral hoses with an integrated heating system, complete with temperature sensor and controller. This version is extremely robust at a l...

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Location and contact

AddressSiemensstr. 1, DE-68809 Neulußheim

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