Responds reliably


Demetgul mahallesi Sehit Huseyin Acikbas sokak, 62 YENIMAHALLE ANKARA, Ankara 06200
Delivery: Worldwide
Employees: 5-9
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About us

4 Product and services

black backpack
black backpack
The exterior is made of high-density polyester fabric, resistant to tearing from external factors. It features multiple compartments, an inner bag, a...
Yama patches - made to order
Yama patches - made to order
If you have any desired patches, badges, logos, or emblems, please write to us. We produce high-quality embroidery, PVC, and TPU patches.
patches yama emblem - weapon
patches yama emblem - weapon
We can manufacture the patches, badges, and emblems you want.
polar jacket
polar jacket
We can manufacture the polar jackets we produce according to your company's requirements.

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
Credit card

Location and contact

AddressDemetgul mahallesi Sehit Huseyin Acikbas sokak, 62 YENIMAHALLE ANKARA, TR-06200 Ankara

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