
ankara yenimahalle ivedik osb mah 1357 strret no 15 , Ankara 06170
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TTOR_145 - The hardness of the produced sugar cubes is essential for the machine to operate effectively.
TTOR_145 - The hardness of the produced sugar cubes is essential for the machine to operate effectively.
In these machines, sugar is fed from the lower silo and transported to the upper silo by an elevator. It then passes through a sugar dosing regulator ...
TYO-40-cp - Technical Information: 1. The machine has a capacity to produce 4-25 tons of cube sugar in 24 hours.
TYO-40-cp - Technical Information: 1. The machine has a capacity to produce 4-25 tons of cube sugar in 24 hours.
CUBE SUGAR MACHINES These machines have a disc-shaped mold. As the disc rotates, sugar cubes are transferred to the conveyor in a single line. Type C...

Location and contact

Addressankara yenimahalle ivedik osb mah 1357 strret no 15 , TR-06170 Ankara

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