

Calle Dolores Almeda 39 - Local 2, Cornellà De Llobregat 08940
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2012
Employees: 5-9
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27 Product and services

Customized Steel Bottle - Eco-Friendly Products
Customized Steel Bottle - Eco-Friendly Products
The customized steel bottle is the perfect promotional product to enhance visibility and generate a favorable attitude towards the brand. With this pr...
Personalized Cufflinks - Corporate GiftsNext
Personalized Cufflinks - Corporate Gifts
Personalized cufflinks for shirts are original and unforgettable corporate gifts, as well as being durable. At Global Verodex, you have the opportunit...
Customized Tie Clip - Institutional Gifts
Customized Tie Clip - Institutional Gifts
With this personalized tie clip, you can make your employees feel like part of your company with a simple detail. And not only can you gift it to your...
Custom Small Charger - Eco-Friendly Products
Custom Small Charger - Eco-Friendly Products
Give your brand an innovative touch with the small custom charger that allows devices to be charged without the need for cables. This promotional gift...
Customized Pointer Pen - Eco-Friendly Products
Customized Pointer Pen - Eco-Friendly Products
This eco-friendly pen is a 2-in-1: it serves both as a pen and a stylus for handling tablets and smartphones. It is the perfect promotional product to...
Custom Fabric Bags - Conferences and Events
Custom Fabric Bags - Conferences and Events
In recent years, a very useful yet creative merchandising gift has become popular. Customized fabric bags are increasingly common when offering corpor...
Custom Cord Lanyard - Eco-Friendly Products
Custom Cord Lanyard - Eco-Friendly Products
Increasingly used, whether at events or in workplaces, lanyards are a great merchandising product that ensures brand visibility. At Global Verodex, we...
Customized Fabric Keychains - Advertising and MerchandisingNext
Customized Fabric Keychains - Advertising and Merchandising
Custom fabric keychains are the perfect corporate gift to promote your company, brand, or event. This promotional item will open many doors for your b...
Custom Stickers - Advertising and Merchandising
Custom Stickers - Advertising and Merchandising
Custom stickers are perfect for printing your logo or design, allowing your brand to achieve great reach and visibility. Large, small, in various shap...
Customized PVC Wristband - Conferences and Events
Customized PVC Wristband - Conferences and Events
Give your congress or event an exclusive touch with this personalized gift that is as useful as it is unique: the custom PVC wristband. These wristban...
Customized Pins - Conferences and Events
Customized Pins - Conferences and Events
Pins never go out of style. That's why at Global Verodex, we believe that custom pins are the perfect corporate gift for any occasion, whether to give...
Custom Large Charger - Eco-Friendly Products
Custom Large Charger - Eco-Friendly Products
Give your brand an innovative touch with the large custom charger that allows devices to be charged without the need for cables. This promotional gift...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Payment terms

COD - Cash on Delivery

Location and contact

AddressCalle Dolores Almeda 39 - Local 2, ES-08940 Cornellà De Llobregat

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