

Sint-jobstaat, 93, Aalst 9300
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About us

4 Product and services

Demolition Monitoring Plan - Need a Demolition Monitoring Plan?
Demolition Monitoring Plan - Need a Demolition Monitoring Plan?
Do you need a demolition monitoring plan before you can proceed with a project? GISC can help you!
Construction Coordination - Let us coordinate your construction project so that building becomes a pleasure.
Construction Coordination - Let us coordinate your construction project so that building becomes a pleasure.
At GISC, we take all the burdens off your shoulders, making construction a pleasure! We understand that you want to focus on your core activities, wh...
Asbestos inventory for the employer - Need an asbestos inventory for the well-being of your employees?
Asbestos inventory for the employer - Need an asbestos inventory for the well-being of your employees?
Since 1995, Belgian employers have been required to create an asbestos inventory to protect employees. This inventory, according to the Code on Wellbe...
Asbestos Certificate - We prepare asbestos certificates for transfer or common areas
Asbestos Certificate - We prepare asbestos certificates for transfer or common areas
Are you selling a property or building constructed before 2001? Then an asbestos certificate is mandatory. Since November 23, 2022, an asbestos certi...

Location and contact

AddressSint-jobstaat, 93, BE-9300 Aalst

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