Kirchehrenbacher Strasse 12, Leutenbach 91359
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About us
We design and manufacture packaging such as cardboard boxes, foams, and offer services. Construction and production of point-of-sale items. Prototype development and small series production using plotters.

3 Product and services

Presentation Boxes
Presentation Boxes
We develop and manufacture high-quality presentation boxes for point-of-sale marketing campaigns. Examples of presentation boxes Materials: Invercot...
Presentation Boxes
Presentation Boxes
We develop and manufacture high-quality presentation boxes for point-of-sale marketing campaigns. Examples of presentation boxes Materials: other ma...
Presentation Boxes
Presentation Boxes
We develop and manufacture high-quality presentation boxes for point of sale and marketing campaigns. Examples of presentation boxes Materials: High...

Location and contact

AddressKirchehrenbacher Strasse 12, DE-91359 Leutenbach
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