GE.I.S.A. S.R.L.

VIA S. LEONARDO, Salerno 84131
Delivery: Regional
Founded: 1998
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CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ANALYSES SAMPLES AND ANALYSES (Atmospheric emissions Wastewater and drinking water - Asbestos FOOD HYGIENE (HACCP System PHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS (Acoustic zoning Vibrations - Microclimate WORKPLACE SAFETY (Risk assessment Fire prevention - C.P.I TRAINING COURSES (RLS - RSPP - ASPP CERTIFICATIONS (ISO 9000 - UNI EN ISO 14001 3 Via S. Leonardo, locality Migliaro - Tel Fax
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GE.I.S.A. S.R.L.
AddressVIA S. LEONARDO, IT-84131 Salerno
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