

Phoenixseestrasse 4, Dortmund 44263
Founded: 2014
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About us
The purpose of the company geers4industry.com is the distribution of machines and their accessories, which are used for the processing of metallic products. In particular, deburring machines, grinding machines, drilling machines, as well as circular saws.

5 Product and services

Flott Table Drill TB 13 Plus
Flott Table Drill TB 13 Plus
The digital bench drilling machine for thread sizes up to M8. Also available as a column drilling machine. • Drilling depth: 60 mm • Spindle speed: 4...
Internal Brush, SIC, Ø 10mm
Internal Brush, SIC, Ø 10mm
Internal brushes with nylon abrasive are particularly suitable for processing complex workpieces made of steel and non-ferrous metals. Diameter: 10 m...
Pipe Bending Machine Mini-Bender MN092 M, up to Ø 28mm
Pipe Bending Machine Mini-Bender MN092 M, up to Ø 28mm
The Ercolina Mini Bender MN092 M is a single-phase, mandrel-less tube bending machine for pipes made of steel, stainless steel, aluminum, and copper, ...
Flott Table Drill Press TB P18 ST R1
Flott Table Drill Press TB P18 ST R1
Robust bench drill press for continuous use. Also available as a column drill. • Spindle speeds infinitely adjustable 200-4200 rpm • Stage 1: 200 – 1...
Pipe Bending Machine Medi Bender MD070 M, up to Ø 38mm
Pipe Bending Machine Medi Bender MD070 M, up to Ø 38mm
The single-phase mandrel-less pipe bending machine MD070 M Medi Bender from the brand Ercolina is suitable for pipes with a diameter of up to 0.38 mm.

Location and contact

AddressPhoenixseestrasse 4, DE-44263 Dortmund

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