

Albert-Schweitzer-Strasse 7, Holzheim 65558
Founded: 1997
Employees: 5-9
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About us
Frozer GmbH serves two established European glass manufacturers as a sales representative. We are happy to provide you with competent advice and support on your way to a series product. Our manufacturing facilities and equipment are designed for medium to high volume, efficient series production.

3 Product and services

Curved Tempered Glass Sheets
Curved Tempered Glass Sheets
Curved safety glass up to R14, Complex curved tempered glass panes Curved tempered glass panes in various designs. Cylindrical, 3-Dimensional, Comple...
Insulated glass doors
Insulated glass doors
Insulated glass doors and covers for deep and normal cooling areas, original equipment and retrofitting...
Technical ESG Glass and Assemblies
Technical ESG Glass and Assemblies
Serein producer for ESG panes, printed, curved, coated, with and without cutouts ESG panes in thicknesses from 3-8mm, for small to large series, prep...

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Location and contact

AddressAlbert-Schweitzer-Strasse 7, DE-65558 Holzheim

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