Im Vuvich 17, Gaggenau 76571
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About us
Manufacturing of sports equipment for vibration training

4 Product and services

XSAMmy Vibration Plate
XSAMmy Vibration Plate
The lightweight and portable for on-the-go with comfort grip bottles. With remote control. Frequency: 5-25 Hz Amplitude: 0-7mm (2 x 3.5 mm) Weight: 2...
XSAMmy Pro+ Vibration Plate
XSAMmy Pro+ Vibration Plate
With holding bracket and panel control. Also suitable for professional use. Includes remote control. Extended frequency range: 5-30 Hz Amplitude: 0-7...
XSAM 700 Vibration Plate
XSAM 700 Vibration Plate
The unique feature of the XSAM is the counter-rotating (side-alternating) 2-plate technology with a natural foot up-and-down movement. Vibrations hard...
XSAMmy + Vibration Plate
XSAMmy + Vibration Plate
Additionally with a holding bracket. Also suitable for professional use. With remote control. Extended frequency range: 5-30 Hz Amplitude: 0-7 mm (2 ...

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AddressIm Vuvich 17, DE-76571 Gaggenau
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