Watzmannstrasse 12, Kirchanschöring 83417
Founded: 1995
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3 Product and services

Finish with Skilled Worker Competence
Finish with Skilled Worker Competence
Our trained specialists bring the current knowledge and skills needed to manufacture your custom components from metal.
Metalworking with CNC Machining
Metalworking with CNC Machining
Machinists in our production are highly trained to independently create complex products. They actively clarify questions directly with the designer o...
CNC Milling and Turning with Selected Machining Centers
CNC Milling and Turning with Selected Machining Centers
In capacity planning, we allocate the machining centers for CNC milling and turning that best meet the required quality, quantity, and promised deadli...

Location and contact

AddressWatzmannstrasse 12, DE-83417 Kirchanschöring
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