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Spichernstraße 11, Bonn 53175
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 2024
Employees: 1-4
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5 Product and services

Bio-Pitahayas (Pitayas, Dragon Fruits) from Andalusia
Bio-Pitahayas (Pitayas, Dragon Fruits) from Andalusia
2,00 - 50,00 €
Bio-Pitahayas, Pitaya, Dragon Fruit various varieties from Andalusia Harvest time: June to November 1. Botanical Classification: Pitahaya refers to ...
Minimum order:
2 kg
Organic lemons lunero from Andalusia
Organic lemons lunero from Andalusia
1,00 - 10,00 €
Bio Lemons Lunero from Andalusia Harvest Time: Year-round 1. Botanical Classification The Lunero lemon variety belongs to the species Citrus limon f...
Minimum order:
2 kg
Organic Navel Washington Oranges from Andalusia
Organic Navel Washington Oranges from Andalusia
1,00 - 10,00 €
Organic Navel Washington Oranges from Andalusia Harvest Season: November to May 1. Botanical Classification The Washington orange belongs to the spe...
Minimum order:
2 kg
Bio-Avocados Hass, Bacon, Fuerte from Andalusia
Bio-Avocados Hass, Bacon, Fuerte from Andalusia
2,00 - 15,00 €
Bio-Avocados Hass, Bacon and Fuerte from Andalusia Harvest time: November to May 1. Botanical Classification Avocados belong to the Lauraceae family...
Minimum order:
2 kg
Bio-Mangos Keitt, Osteen from Andalusia
Bio-Mangos Keitt, Osteen from Andalusia
2,00 - 15,00 €
Bio-Mangos: Keitt and Osteen from Andalusia Harvest Time: August to December 1. Botanical Classification The mango varieties Keitt and Osteen belo...
Minimum order:
2 kg

Payment methods

Credit card
SEPA direct debit

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

AddressSpichernstraße 11, DE-53175 Bonn

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