

Promyshlennaya st, 25, Penza Region, Zarechny 442961
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2000
Employees: 50-99
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96 Product and services

FORTEZA-M100 - Microwave Perimeter Protection SensorNext
FORTEZA-M100 - Microwave Perimeter Protection Sensor
FORTEZA-M100 is a volumetric bi-static microwave sensor that generates an invisible detection zone between a transmitter and receiver. When an intrude...
FM-30 - Outdoor Microwave TransceiverNext
FM-30 - Outdoor Microwave Transceiver
FM-30 is a volumetric monostatic microwave sensor intended for protection of separate perimeter sectors where it is difficult or impossible to use bis...
FM-60-V (Volume) - Outdoor Microwave TransceiverNext
FM-60-V (Volume) - Outdoor Microwave Transceiver
FM-60-V (Volume) is a volumetric monostatic microwave sensor intended for protection of separate perimeter sectors where it is difficult or impossible...
MOSKIT - Fast deployable perimeter protection sensorsNext
MOSKIT - Fast deployable perimeter protection sensors
Principle of operation of the breakage sensor is based on the integrity control of closed perimeter line generated by a double micro wire. A very t...
MOSKIT-KIT - Rapidly Deployable Perimeter Protection SensorNext
MOSKIT-KIT - Rapidly Deployable Perimeter Protection Sensor
The operating principle is based on the breakage of a fine wire, which triggers the alarm. The fine wire is drawn through the opening in the housing a...
MOSKIT-KIT - Fast deployable perimeter protection sensorsNext
MOSKIT-KIT - Fast deployable perimeter protection sensors
Principle of operation of the breakage sensor is based on the integrity control of closed perimeter line generated by a double micro wire. A very t...
FMW-300 - Microwave Perimeter Protection SensorNext
FMW-300 - Microwave Perimeter Protection Sensor
The microwave linear sensors FMW-300 are intended for the protection of different sites and for detecting an intruder crossing the detection zone.
MIR-B50 - Dual Technology SensorNext
MIR-B50 - Dual Technology Sensor
The operating principle is based on two microwave and infrared detection channels. The combination of two detection principles makes the protection o...
FORTEZA-M200 - Microwave Perimeter Protection SensorNext
FORTEZA-M200 - Microwave Perimeter Protection Sensor
FORTEZA-M200 is a volumetric microwave sensor consisting of a transmitter and receiver that creates an invisible detection zone. In the event of an in...
FORTEZA-M100 - Bistatic Microwave BarrierNext
FORTEZA-M100 - Bistatic Microwave Barrier
FORTEZA-M100 is a bistatic microwave barrier that creates an invisible volumetric detection zone between a transmitter and a receiver. An alarm is tri...
FM-60-V (Volume) - Microwave Transceiver for Outdoor UseNext
FM-60-V (Volume) - Microwave Transceiver for Outdoor Use
The FM-60-V microwave transceiver (Volume) is used for detecting intruders in secured areas such as individual perimeter zones, open and closed spaces...
FM-30 - Monostatic Microwave DetectorsNext
FM-30 - Monostatic Microwave Detectors
The detectors are designed to secure separate areas of the perimeter where it is impossible or difficult to install bistatic barriers: dead ends, mars...
FM-60-C (Curtain) - Monostatic microwave detectorsNext
FM-60-C (Curtain) - Monostatic microwave detectors
The detectors are designed for securing separate areas of the perimeter where it is impossible or difficult to install bistatic barriers: dead ends, m...
FORTEZA-200 - Microwave Perimeter Protection SensorNext
FORTEZA-200 - Microwave Perimeter Protection Sensor
FORTEZA-200 is a volumetric bi-static microwave sensor that generates an invisible detection zone between a transmitter and receiver. When an intruder...
FMW-50 - Bistatic Microwave BarrierNext
FMW-50 - Bistatic Microwave Barrier
FMW-50 is a bistatic linear microwave barrier designed to secure various sensitive sites and detect an intruder crossing the detection zone. FMW-50 e...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

AddressPromyshlennaya st, 25, Penza Region, RU-442961 Zarechny

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