

Brahestr. 25-27, Leipzig 04347
Founded: 1991
Employees: 20-49
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28 Product and services

Additional Turntable for autosampler - FAUT-T
Additional Turntable for autosampler - FAUT-T
0,00 €
Additional Turntable for autosampler FAN as. Useful to prepare samples for the next run while running analyses.
Mouthpiece for sampling - F201-VP-11 (unit = 25 pcs.)
Mouthpiece for sampling - F201-VP-11 (unit = 25 pcs.)
0,00 €
Mouthpiece for sampling with oversize hose connection bags. Mouthpiece with valve (25 pieces)...
Breath Testing - LactoFAN 2 H 2
Breath Testing - LactoFAN 2 H 2
0,00 €
The LactoFAN 2 is a powerful diagnostic tool for measuring expired Hydrogen concentrations in ppm, for example the Lactose intolerance test. From a si...
Desinfection wipes - HC-Des-Box50
Desinfection wipes - HC-Des-Box50
0,00 €
Desinfection wipes without alcohol, suitable for all alle FAN H 2 breath test devices. Enable you to clean and disinfect the device shell without poll...
Breath Analysis - HeliFAN plus 13C
Breath Analysis - HeliFAN plus 13C
0,00 €
The 13C–breath test device HeliFAN plus is a compact and very reasonable 13C-infrared analyzer with a high sample throughput. It is especially designe...
Breathing mask - F201-VP-08 F201-VP-09 F201-VP-10
Breathing mask - F201-VP-08 F201-VP-09 F201-VP-10
0,00 €
Breathing mask for Baby Breathing mask, medium Breathing mask, large...
Breath Analysis - FAN hp 13C
Breath Analysis - FAN hp 13C
0,00 €
For an easy and reliable detection of Helicobacter pylori infektions. FAN hp is designed to be used for H. pylori testing only, and without autosample...
Test gases in tubes - DOB-E-01
Test gases in tubes - DOB-E-01
0,00 €
One pair of DOB test gases in tubes for verification of the DOB measuring function of FAN 13C analyzers using the automatic sample feeder FAN as. (w/o...
Hospital software connection module - H-soft SW-GDT
Hospital software connection module - H-soft SW-GDT
0,00 €
The optionally available FANh2 software offers comprehensive conveniences as built–in breath test definitions, timer functions, clearly arranged repre...
Gas sampling system  - HZ-GAMU
Gas sampling system - HZ-GAMU
0,00 €
The gas sampling system is designed for young children unable to comply with a straightforward single breath manoeuvre. The bag is filled with expired...
Breath bags for older - F201-VP-05a (unit = 250 pcs.)
Breath bags for older - F201-VP-05a (unit = 250 pcs.)
0,00 €
Breath bags for older 13C breath test devices. One way breath bag 0.3l...
10 litres calibration gas - HV-Lacto-CG
10 litres calibration gas - HV-Lacto-CG
0,00 €
10 litres calibration gas (100 ppm H 2 in nitrogen) for all FAN H 2 breath test devices. Compressed in an 1–litre aluminium can, at least 12 calibrati...
Breath bags for sampling - F302-SO-01 (unit = 400 pcs.) - Accessories 13C test
Breath bags for sampling - F302-SO-01 (unit = 400 pcs.) - Accessories 13C test
0,00 €
Reasonable and safe breath bags for sampling, fitting the 13C breath test analyzers. Stand–up breath bag with cap, 0.3l...

Location and contact

AddressBrahestr. 25-27, DE-04347 Leipzig

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