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CORSO ASTI 49/A, Guarene 12050
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1983
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379 Product and services

MOTORIZED SEALER ME - CFE - Bench constant heat sealers with motorized closureNext
MOTORIZED SEALER ME - CFE - Bench constant heat sealers with motorized closure
ME-CFE CONSTANT AUTO SEALERS WITH MOTOR CONTROL Table top motorized sealer with electric pedal and welding bars at a constant temperature for seal...
FPSDJ 1012 MANUAL FORKLIFT - Manual lifter for pallet. Capacity load Kg. 1000. Lifting mm 1200Next
FPSDJ 1012 MANUAL FORKLIFT - Manual lifter for pallet. Capacity load Kg. 1000. Lifting mm 1200
MANUAL LIFTER FOR PALLETS MOD. FPSDJ 1012 - shipped fully assembled! Pallet lifter with hydraulic foot pump and rudder (for low weight can use the pe...
Impulse sealer ME-FC with cutter - Tiltable bag sealer with mechanical foot, single impulse bar and cutter to trim Next
Impulse sealer ME-FC with cutter - Tiltable bag sealer with mechanical foot, single impulse bar and cutter to trim
Impulse sealer with mechanical pedal and floor support for the closure of bags in plastic material heat-sealable, impulse sealing (resistance to heat ...
Pneumatic tensioner for block bulky and heavy loads FP LASH - Strapping with woven strapNext
Pneumatic tensioner for block bulky and heavy loads FP LASH - Strapping with woven strap
Pneumatic tensioner model FP LASH very powerful and easy to handle, suitable for all working conditions, guarantees a high tensile strength and it is ...
HEAT SEALER MG 1020 - WITH MAGNET - Manual/motorized impulse sealer, length 1020 mm, with cutter. Sealing width 5 mmNext
HEAT SEALER MG 1020 - WITH MAGNET - Manual/motorized impulse sealer, length 1020 mm, with cutter. Sealing width 5 mm
MG 1020 SEALING MACHINE WITH CLOSING MAGNET Pulse sealers MG 1020 series, with 1020 mm sealing bar and suitable for sealing polyethylene, pvc and p...
ROLL AIR BOXER STAPLER - Pneumatic stapler for high production. For staples mm 35/15, 35/19, 35/22Next
ROLL AIR BOXER STAPLER - Pneumatic stapler for high production. For staples mm 35/15, 35/19, 35/22
The pneumatic stapler ROLL is employed for the sealing the top part of cardboard boxes. It is provided with a coil magazine. The number of staples the...
FP MY380-F Automatic rotary marker - Automatic rotary marker for hot foil print on labels and casesNext
FP MY380-F Automatic rotary marker - Automatic rotary marker for hot foil print on labels and cases
FP MY380-F AUTOMATIC ROTARY MARKER WITH SOLID INK ROLLER (Complete with device for gathering and packaging printed labels) Automatic rotary marker wi...
Semi-automatic strapping machine FP8022 - Semiautomatic strapping machines for boxesNext
Semi-automatic strapping machine FP8022 - Semiautomatic strapping machines for boxes
The semi-automatic strapping machines are ideal for tying boxes, packages, bundles, etc. in warehouses, workshops, supermarkets and anywhere there saf...
Pneumatic strapping tool ST POLI HT16-19 - Pneumatic strapping toolsNext
Pneumatic strapping tool ST POLI HT16-19 - Pneumatic strapping tools
Pneumatic strapping tool with vibration welding (heating by friction) for straps in polyester PET width 16-19 mm and max. thickness mm. 1,27. Compact...
DOSERS EWM WEIGHING-DOSING - Electronic weighing filling machine, AISI 304 construction, for granular productNext
DOSERS EWM WEIGHING-DOSING - Electronic weighing filling machine, AISI 304 construction, for granular product
SERIES ELECTRONIC DOSERS EWM entirely made of stainless steel AISI 304, suitable for packing granular products in preformed bags. The standard weighi...
Semiautomatic strapping machine FPTP 600 - Semiautomatic strapping machines for palletsNext
Semiautomatic strapping machine FPTP 600 - Semiautomatic strapping machines for pallets
Semiautomatic mobile strapping machine for the strapping of pallets, complete with a channel for inserting the strap. New compact model with closed b...
FP T8090 WITH LATERAL TILTER - Manual lifter with lateral inclination up to 15°. Capacity max. 800 kg.Next
FP T8090 WITH LATERAL TILTER - Manual lifter with lateral inclination up to 15°. Capacity max. 800 kg.
MANUAL LIFTER WITH LATERAL TILTER MOD. FP T8090 Lifter for pallet and boxes with hydraulic pump driven by steering shaft and lateral inclination up...
Semiautomatic strapping machine FP8023 - Semiautomatic strapping machines for boxesNext
Semiautomatic strapping machine FP8023 - Semiautomatic strapping machines for boxes
The semi-automatic strapping machines are ideal for tying boxes, packages, bundles, etc. in warehouses, workshops, supermarkets and anywhere there saf...
Wrapping machine FP ECO 1.5  - Wrapping machines with turntable mm 1500Next
Wrapping machine FP ECO 1.5 - Wrapping machines with turntable mm 1500
Place the pallet on the platform and hook the stretch film to the base then press the start button. The platform begins to rotate, after 2-3 turns ope...
SEWING MACHINE FPMP 83 DUAL DRAGGING - Sewing machine with dual dragging, power supply, battery or pneumaticNext
SEWING MACHINE FPMP 83 DUAL DRAGGING - Sewing machine with dual dragging, power supply, battery or pneumatic
Electric sewing machine mod. FPMP 83 (220 V and 12 V) with dual drive, built on the basis of the mod. FPMP 82. The upper and lower dragging allows hig...

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AddressCORSO ASTI 49/A, IT-12050 Guarene

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